[hider=Aaron/Mitchell Bachmeier][center][img]http://s1.postimg.org/odbbnq7ov/White_hair_boy_by_Evaty.jpg[/img] Self-portrait of host, with eye colour changed. True eye colours are brilliant blue (right eye) and dull grey-green (left eye). Hair colour is blonde, featuring a starkly white forelock on the left side and some premature greying. Skin is a light tan with hypopigmented patches, particularly on the right jaw/collarbone, left hip, arms, hands and around his forelock.[/center] [b]Identification Number:[/b] 4077M [b]Name:[/b] Aaron A. Bachmeier [b]Nickname:[/b] Thoth [b]Sex[/b]: M [b]Date of Birth:[/b] 11/11/1997 (17) [b]Height:[/b] 6’4" [b]Weight:[/b] 165lbs [b]Identical or Fraternal?:[/b] Identical [b]Personality:[/b] Pensive, studious, introverted, empathetic, kind and somewhat meek. Displays considerable concern for the well-being of those around him and expresses interest in medicine. Patient, intelligent, and logical, if not somewhat socially inept. Creative and artistically inclined in the fields of art and music, despite deafness. Claims twin to have similar skills, but different tastes. Fervently advocates the value of life and indignation toward death, as if it is an entity to be fought. [b]Family:[/b] Estranged father and single mother, both German and residing in Munich. German was spoken in the home, as well as some rudimentary english. Soul Twin Form [b]Name:[/b] Mitchell [b]Sex:[/b] M [b]Relationship with the Host:[/b] Relationship between host and parasitic twin overall is very strong. Parasitic twin seems very similar to host, but also differs wildly in some aspects. Relations and interactions between the two are unpredictable, ranging from logical and civil cooperation to volatile conflict. Host has been found with severe symptoms of conflict (nosebleeds and intense migraines as well as occasional loss of consciousness) as often as he is found working fairly with his twin to solve a problem. When cooperating, results are considerable: we suspect high intelligence present in the twin as well as the host. When at odds, consequences have been frightening. Despite this erratic relationship, subject and twin appear to be quite close, and forgive each other quickly after conflict. It seems that neither of them are good at holding a grudge, so to speak. [b]Personality:[/b] Intelligent, confrontational, emotionally dynamic, brooding and unpredictable. Action-oriented. Displays tenderness toward children and an intense hatred of those he deems ‘cruel.’ Host claims twin to be both very similar and very different to himself. Host has been recorded describing himself and the twin as ‘two sides of the same coin,’ and referring to the twin as his ‘alter ego.’ Host denied latter statement in later years, deeming such a claim to be ‘childish.’ [b]Notes:[/b] As a toddler, host nicknamed the twin ‘Twitch.’ Host claims this to have stemmed from the twin’s erratic personality and ‘jitters.’ In later childhood, host renamed twin to ‘Shadow,’ claiming that he envisioned the twin to identically resemble himself, except with dark hair and grey skin, and different eyes (one black, one white). In teenage years, host permanently named the twin Mitchell, though host claims that he did not choose the name, and that the twin simply told him. Host is afflicted with Type II Waardenburg Syndrome. Results of affliction include bright, heterochromic eyes and congenital deafness in both ears, hypo-pigmented patches of skin and a white forelock of hair on the left side. Host insists that his twin is not deaf, and alerts him of sounds. Experts have argued the possibility of the statement, but observations have been made of the host acknowledging sounds (in a delayed manner) which he would otherwise not be aware of. Host does say that he envisions the twin to possess a white forelock and patches of hypo pigmented skin, identical to his own. Host can speak quite well compared to other deaf children of his age. Researchers assume this is a result of communication between the twins. Using hearing aides (provided by our facility) subject can communicate verbally effectively. His preferred languages are German and American Sign Language, though he is also capable of communicating in disjointed English. Insists that he ‘hears’ his twin speak in his mind, but it is not yet understood what the host considers to be ‘hearing.’ Subject is not overly fond of his hearing aides, and has been known to turn them off or take them out completely when angry or stressed. He claimed them to be "overstimulating at times." [/hider] WOW THAT ENDED UP BEING LONGER THAN IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN If that's a problem I can trim it down! EDIT: I think I fixed it, but I'm a little unclear on how he should perceive his twin.