"[color=6ecff6]Urgh[/color]" was the only noise Sammael made as he hit the stoned pathway again. Swearing to himself he began to rise from the ground before a small laugh came from a few feet in front of him. "[color=ed1c24]I told you Sam, we aren't getting in. I appreciate the field trip, but I doubt visiting the Exalt is something [i]anyone[/i] can just do. She's too important for us little street urchins...[/color]" Alley said, leaning against a great stone wall as she watched Sammael bring himself up from the floor. This had been his fourth time asking the guards at the gate for an audience with the Exalt. Dusting off his pants Sammael grunted in annoyance. "[color=6ecff6]Alley, it's Sammael. Not Sam. Not Sammy. And we're going to get you in there. I can't believe people separate themselves so much from others like this. Guarded ontop of a stone castle. How are you a symbol of the people from up there?[/color]" he asked, looking over to Alley. She shrugged her shoulders and followed in step with him towards the marketplace. "[color=ed1c24]Not sure. Lets go get something good to eat, maybe find a pub or inn for the night. We can try again tomorrow, as I'm sure you're already planning to do.[/color]" Finding a nearby stall that sold some fresh fruit, plucked one up and handed over a few coins before catching back up to Sammael. "[color=6ecff6]Wrong.[/color]" Sammael let out a deep breath, liking the idea of food but hating what the night would bring. "[color=6ecff6]I'm going to try again tonight."[/color] he said, taking a quick left and heading towards an inn that looked like it had alcohol in it. As he did that Alley stopped head in her tracks before rushing after him. "[color=ed1c24]Wait! Wait wait wait. Are you talking about trying to... break in? To that giant place? With guards and everything!?[/color]" her grin widened. "[color=ed1c24]Sounds good to me![/color]"