[Color=Chocolate]"Very well, then. I'll get him,"[/Color] Eric said, taking a deep breath. [I]Not sure I'll be back in time, though, with this cliche' bit of inability to keep a portal open.[/I] Turning his attention and explicitly speaking to Rufus he said, [Color=Chocolate]"You stay behind until everyone else is through. Can't afford anyone being stranded without a ride. Except the twins,"[/Color] he added, fully realizing no one else would appreciate his dark humor. Stepping away from the colony of Titans, he threw his wings open and flapped, throwing himself forward as he got a running start to the nearest window. He kept rowing like oars hung on his arms until he smashed out the window and his wings caught onto a thermal. He saw the Kryptonian ripping apart the military equipment. [I]Maybe he isn't the solid decision maker I almost gave him credit for being.[/I] [Color=Chocolate]"Sentinel!"[/Color] he barked. [I]Need to find his name, this is almost childish. Eh, I'll just use Facebook to find him later.[/I] Getting closer, he increased his volume. [Color=Chocolate]"Sentinel, we're leaving [B]now![/B]"[/Color] [I]That Kryptonian grade hearing is only as good as the attention he's paying. Just hope he doesn't get too... passionate.[/I] Overhead, Eric saw a flying helicopter larger than any he'd ever seen. On it was a rotary cannon with a belt holding glowing green crystals. Unsure if that meant it was carrying Kryptonite, which he didn't see being too unlikely given that Luthor well knew the needs of humans to do battle with aliens, he took flight upward and nabbed the immediate attention of the gunman. Chirping quickly, he got an idea of how many were onboard. Saving himself the time of fighing them all, he dodged a steady stream of projectiles behind him before ducking under the helicopter, finding the engine access, and ripping out one of the belts in the motor's pulley. As the chopper went down, he watched the army men leap out before swapping to handguns. The entire ordeal took about seven seconds, but it was seven too many. [B][Color=Chocolate]"Now... or NEVER!"[/Color][/B]