[b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Avatar:[/b] Hogun strongly believes that he will be a 'grandiose mage of complete importance" in his next life. It is the only way he can rationalize past failures as a terribly untalented and clumsy occultist. Because of his beliefs, he turns to avatar Kalem for guidance. His devotion is made known by the markings on his forehead, a tattooed symbol of the four limbed serpent king. [b]Name:[/b] Hogun Shantrix [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 42 [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/49/f0/cd/49f0cd3b05f9bbecde4ebfbc0b4d35e6.jpg[/img] [b]Current Equipment:[/b] Tool belt containing: Pouches and slits for cutting tools like a sickle (for corn harvesting duties) shear (for fletching duties) one butcher knife, and one skinning knife (for livestock butcher duties.) [b]Handy Skills:[/b] Fletching, Butcher, and Crop Harvesting [b]Personality at RP's Start:[/b] Hogun comes off as a learned yet eloquently spoken mad man. His macabre, and often unintentional, form of humor is conveyed with such sincerity that it’s hard to tell when/if he’s joking. Prepare to get awkwardly caught in the throes of topics you never cared about, nor wanted to discuss in any sort of capacity. Despite an otherwise off-putting first impression he may convey to newcomers, he is a hoot to have around in social gatherings. His storytelling is truly engaging – so much so that he’s had to tone it down after last year’s festival. To this day, The tale of Bishan’s Screaming Child on Blood Orgy Mountain is a prime cause for many of the children's nightmares. [b]Facts Likely Known To Others:[/b] It is common knowledge that a young Hogun was part of a commune devoted to the spiritual and practical study of magic called The Whisperers. Hogun lets it be known that magic exists and that he could have been a grand mage if not for his dabbling in the dark arts. According to Hogun, he botched a conjuring ritual where he sacrificed what turned out to be a sacred lamb. A high level archmage stripped away his magical powers and threw him out of the commune. It turns out that The Whisperers were infamously known throughout the land as traveling con artists. They tricked their followers into believing they could summon mystical powers – all for a one time hefty sum of coin. It also turns out that the archmage that banned Hogun from the commune was a wanted criminal named Spiltz Fonzworth. A common detail that is described in most of Fonzworth’s wanted posters is that he is usually seen with a black lamb. I think you can see where this is going. Hogun received no refund for his enrollment fees into The Whisperers. He was married to an elephantian (elephant humanoid) named Letra, a Cowfallow native who died while giving birth to their only son, [url=http://ricksardinha.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/loxo.jpg]Truxis[/url]. He is 11 years old.