Gorrendil was surprised of course, he didn't expect his opponent to be so upfront. An attack like this almost made him hesitate, but fourteen years of constant war didn't teach you to hesitate. To hesitate means to die. And the Space Baron/President didn't really want to die. Thinking fast, there was only one way to get out of the situation. He drew his sword and threw it at his opponent in one clean swipe. This was just used to distract the man, not even meaning to hit him, flying wildly in the air He was hoping for hesitation, literally flying on the seat of his pants. It was a distraction though, and he could play with that. He materialised his Death Ray and took a shot. A beam from this little gun was enough to destroy a tank in seconds and was enough to blow this guy up. Gorrendil aimed at his opponent's chest and fired, holding the trigger down.