[img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs4/300W/i/2004/195/e/c/Paladin.jpg[/img] Stands at 6'5", and as muscled as Hugh Van Halder, only taller. His fur only extends to his waist. Name: Gervas Hofler Age: 65 Title/Alias/Nickname: Gervas the Damned Race: Human Class: Fighter, ex-paladin Weapons: Crossbow, Arming Sword, and a Zweihander(he keeps the Zweihander on his mantle piece, and only takes it down for special occasions). Armor: He wears a chain mail shirt. A chain mail coif. He wears plate pauldrons [img]http://www.wulflund.com/img/goods/en/medium/gorget-and-pauldrons_2.jpg[/img] Sometimes, he'll wear knee and calf protection, in the form of hard leather. All of his armor will be covered with a fur that extends to his waist. Skills: Very adept at swordmanship, from his simple arming sword, to his zweihander. He is most notable for his skill with a zweihander. He keeps the crossbow for killing pests, and is proficient with it at 50 yards(though, it's an easy weapon to master). He can fight with just about anything. He's a very skilled farmer and cook. Personality: He is rather quick to dislike and very distrustful, but friendly towards those he knows and those he lets into his small circle of people. He likes the quiet, and tends to do things for others only when they benefit his own interests. He'll still take care of good friends whom pass through, but he mostly keeps to himself. He has a rather tentative relationship with his town, as they distrust him. Possessions: He has a farm with a house, and all of the things needed to live and continue farming. Other things about him: He has a wife and kids, whom he would do anything for. He smokes tobacco a lot. Bio: Gervas was born to be a paladin. He accepted it, and trained hard from his youth onwards. He was never one to follow the conventional rules of being a paladin, and was particularly rebellious. Regardless, he became very good at fighting and killing. He's seen his share of warfare and killing. The order eventually made him a trainer. Shortly before his order was under fire and scrutiny for scandal, Gervas left. He was quoted as saying, [i]"I'm not a hero. I don't want to be here"[/i] the day before he left. When he left, he disappeared into the night, taking with him his armor, horse, and necessary weapons. With that, he abandoned being a paladin, and found a quaint little village to live and farm in. Eventually, he met a woman who became his world, and she bore children to him, and they continue to live happily and peacefully on his farm, if not for the neighbors bickering. Gervas has faced many of his old enemies since leaving the order, having gained quite the reputation as a crusader and having angered many back in the day. He became a mentor to his worst student, Hugh Van Halder, raising him up from when he first joined the order as a child. Musical association/theme song: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rY4qbma9ls[/youtube]