Flynn looks over his shoulders to see a pack of aliens closing in on them. "Yeah, let's. Run to the industrial shaft that leads upwards and just jump into it." And with that said, he ran off as fast as possible, leaving Williams in the dust. He ran through narrow corridors and other small streets. Whilst running he get's out a small device and pushes a button on it. The device begins to blink. He puts it away and focuses back on running. Now where was that shaft again? Was it left he-... No, right here. And with that turn he had eyes on one of the industrial shafts that were all over Earth, connecting all the different levels with each other, making them reachable by spaceships and other vehicles. He looks over his shoulder to see 3Y3 floating behind him. No sign of Williams though. He simply shakes his head, runs towards the shaft and... jumps.