Sorry for the delay, here is my CS! [hider=Chloe Fenix] Name: Chloe Fenix Gender: Girl Hometown: Castelia City, Unova Age: 15 Personality: Chloe takes everything seriously and doesn't like when others joke around or act in any immature manner. She finds it easier to deal with Pokemon than people for this reason and has a hard time trusting other people then she can with Pokemon. Due to this she has a hard time expressing her feelings to other people and will usually say something that could be considered rude. Deep down she is kind but she only opens up to Pokemon or people who know her really well. She is fairly outgoing and likes taking on challenges and puzzles. Description: [img][/img] Preferred Starter: Azurill Other: Likes versatile Pokémon that can do a variety of tasks but she has a weakness for cute ones not that she would admit it. [/hider] [hider= For the Rules] Praise Lord Helix and savior Arceus! [/hider]