Power level: Powered Arena: Any Victory Requirement: Death, KO, Forfeit, Surrender, Draw, etc Wager:Negotiable Stipulation: first match can be till a knockout or surrender but if a rematch is issued then 100pts will be put down on the line and characters will be switched out if needed. The challenger (until I post up the others) [hider=Mage Hunter]Name: Shido Busujima Nickname: Mage Hunter Age:??? Weight:120lbs(without equipment and amor) Height: 5'11 [hider=Appearance][img]http://img07.deviantart.net/39a7/i/2009/325/b/9/the_fourth_samurai_by_lordkomodo.jpg[/img][/hider] Bio: He doesn't share his personal life to just anyone. If he is feeling chatty then maybe he'll share his story. [hider=Equipment]Equipment: -Armor: The Mage Hunter's armor is made of the lightest metal with a small pinch of magical properties to reinforce it. Making his armor along with his helmet and gauntlets a generic version to mythrl. (Lord of the rings for reference.) With his armor; he can withstand normal gunfire from regular pistols to military assault vehicle's high caliber turrets,(if enchanted to withstand it before hand) but it does have its draw backs. His armor is flexible to a certain degree so he may preform acrobatic feats and be light on his toes in the heat of combat, and it's because of this that he might have have some serious bruises when he leaves the field. To scale this to how much it can take is like this: small regular firearms doesn't make much of an impact other then getting knocked off his feet if the force behind it suffices. Assault riffles would feel like getting hit by paintballs.(close range making serious bruises and could wear him out mentally if not careful) and high powered shotguns up close would knock the wind out of him at close range, high possibility for something to crack or fracture internally. His armor and equipment may be special, but he is still human inside. -Head: A helmet equipped with air filters to withstand tear gas or any bio toxins plus a bit of technological flare; his headgear is equipped with few upgrades. Simple in nature yet life saving when needed. •For example: unique optics that gives him perfect 20/20 sight in high definition. With properties to zoom in or highlight specific items, objects, and people at forty feet max and get a reading of how far they are relatively to him. If someone were to have any weapon or item then it would be highlighted as a warming of what someone is carrying. Only thing is it has to be in the open partially for it to identify and be highlighted. Any unique item will also be highlighted but, if it's something rare and has yet to be seen for common use then it will still be highlighted. So if it proves to be lethal then it will be marked down for future reference. He can also highlight specific spots and map out any plan in his helmet, making a 3-D model that only he can see and thoroughly plan out any action he'll make. •thermal and night vision specs: self explanatory as it has the maximum sight range of forty feet with that same properties as the optics. Used to see from when anyone who's hiding in concealing gas, shadows at night, or something of the same properties. Downside it can't see through anything supernatural or magical component that blocks normal sight. •Meta scanner: Analyzes any magical properties to further exploit on what arsenal his opponent has. Problems with it is that it has to be something obvious in nature or whatever it looks like is how its first perceived. (Someone having a fireball in hand and guesses what it's probably used for, spells that give an appearance of a barrier of some sorts, etc) the scanner cant go in depth to what it does specifically until it's used and seen. Like a specific magic circle that summons a monster, a phantasmal bullet that explodes on impact, etc.. Once the criteria is met and fully sees what a specific ability does is when he can plan to counter it. One post needed to see any magical aura that radiates from weapons or items. Two post required and must focus his attention to make a thorough scan if ability is not yet used, and the third is when it makes a full analysis to see what it's basic properties. (Reads it's versatile, could freeze a target, paralyze someone, etc) -Torso: Other then a few engravings for wards and protection(which its properties will be explained under special abilities) has a few hidden sheaths for throwing daggers that are 7in in total length with the blade 4in long and 2in wide. Two on the back and two on the sides. A small utility belt on his hips with six small bags that have three ping pong ball sized smoke bomb that can fill up a 10x10 room of cubic feet, and another three same sized balls that acts like a flash bang. They are a one time use and once used, it's gone until resupplied. -Arms: hands equipped with gauntlets with the finger tips having a special water proof marker. To write down his words of power. (explanation is under the special abilities category) the inner forearms are also equipped with hidden sheathed daggers, one each arm. And two blades on the outer forearm (similar to how batman has his) for when he is either in close quarters combat or whenever the situation calls for their use. -Legs: another set of hidden daggers, one on each leg. And special equipped boots that two inch blades stick out from behind the heels.[/hider] [hider=Special Weapons]Special Weapons -Primary weapon= Magical black blade katana: this blade has magical properties that makes it light as a pencil, as well as making it a fine point edge to cut a red olk tree clean and slice sturdy metals like a hot knife through butter without making it dull. Only thing is that when going against another magical weapon of some sorts, it acts and fights like any old katana and could possibly dull the sword if given a thorough beating. This sword can be enchanted to give it an additional perk in its fighting capabilities but will not last forever.(listed under special abilities) measurements at 3 1/4 feet long total length, 2ft blade length and 1in blade width.[hider=Main Blade][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130703141947/finalfantasy/images/1/15/Ashura-ffxii.png[/img][/hider] -secondary weapons •Twin short swords: Nothing special in the sense of magical properties. However; the blades were given a special design that it can hook regular swords and possibly snapping them in half. A good blade edge that your above average sword, can be dulled in time, but made from a light sturdy steel so it can be light and deadly. These may also be magically enchanted but not permanent. Measurements 20in long in total, fifteen inch long blade, 3in wide blade width[/hider=Twin Short][img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs15/PRE/i/2010/041/f/7/Sword_by_The_Mighty_Badger.jpg[/img][/hider] •GunBlade Katana: a bent inward katana with a barrel on the back. Made in style like a Winchester rifle revolver mix with the katana frame. Loaded with five regular 9mm bullets that is also magically enhanced to shoot phantasmal rounds! When the first set has been unloaded it takes one post to "load" a phantasm bullet. Unlimited of that specific ammunition. Sadly it fires like any other bullet. For it to be enhanced to do anything then fire "regular" bullets requires and additional post. (Special abilities)Another perk is with three post charge can fire a volley of phantasmal bullets like a shot gun to push away pesky opponents or annihilate them(depending on what they are wearing as protection) Two faults from it is the regular 9mm bullets cannot turn into phantasms and there must be no regular rounds inside, so it's one or the other. Lastly the phantasm rounds have a shorter range, regular bullet can fire up to 20yards while the phantasm's range is divided in half. If the target is one inch out of the phantasm's reach will only feel a breeze as the bullet fades away before reaching its attended target. The range for the phantasmal volley is a twenty foot cone that spreads out fifteen feet out. Anyone an inch shy away from the range will feel a gust of wind blowing through their hair. Measures a 2 2/3 ft long in total length, 2ft long blade, 2in blade width, 14in long barrel[hider=GunBlade][img]http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv108/apathyrobot/Final%20Fantasy%208/Heaven_and_Earth_1.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Special Abilities]Special abilities -Words of Power: He has been gifted by using a limited set of "words" to further enhance him for when he is fighting against opponents five times greater or more then the average man. It's a mystery on how he obtain it(since he doesn't give that kind of thing out like candy) but still proves its worth. Though everything he uses has a small price to pay.(which it'll be explained later on) certain abilities can't either work together or won't be able stack. Which will go into detail in the list... •Cancel: simple yet effective. What this word of power is used to cancel out certain things temporarily or of its a barrier then destroying them or make openings. Writing this down on either his palms or his swords, he has the effectiveness to negate a certain ability and put a two post wait before being able to charge the specific ability up. If the counter total is three or greater then the charge counter of the ability, then the attack will be followed by seven ghostly chain in a attempt to restrain an opponent. When the chains grab ahold of said person, it'll slowly drain away his/her powers if that person doesn't escape them. If no charge is required for that specific person to use then one post charge is required to negate.The only way this will work is if he understands the ability from his opponent and sees it happening before him. Requirements other then that is it must be charged the same amount his foe puts onto their ability. So because of that; one charge equals two counters against it.(how many charges one makes, Mage hunter must match with the same amount of counters if not more.) another is he has to make contact. (Either by hand or sword to able to go through) last thing is if it is put onto primary his weapon then its effects are also negated for the time being, making it like any other katana until the ability has been used. If put on GunBlade then its phantasmal rounds will not be lethal for the purpose of negating an effect, plus requiring an addition just for one phantasm bullet. (One to load that round, plus the number of charges for the cancel to work, plus additional three for a volley effect.) Get the idea? This can work with any ability, just that the cost takes tremendous amount of time to do so. •Lightning step: writing down this word of power onto both of his legs on the first post before he can use this ability that can only have one additional stack. He can move up to ten feet with a single flash before stopping at where point B is two times only for a single charge.(ten feet to point B then again to point C) Allowing him to basically "teleport" from one spot to the next. The draw backs to this is one straight shot, so can't make a sudden turn if something is in the way in mid travel and he can't make a drastic stop. This ability only makes a ten foot jump, no more no less.(basically has to plan on where he wants to go before doing it.) the momentum carried with him will be the same as he first started. (If he stand still then at the end he still be standing, jogging will still be jogging, etc) if he gets sent flying by an and makes the jump; he will reach whatever direction he wants, but will still go to the same direction he was sent to. (Example: if he was sent hurdling back to a pillar, he can make a "jump" to go left or right. He'll dodge the pillar but still will be flying back because his original momentum.) he can only take one person during his trips but only for tactical purposes. After four times of the first use, it will be one post to catch his breath. Can only stack this ability once •Mirror Edge: this ability taking a post charge to make three copy cats of himself. Which only last for one use every time. (they can throw a punch once, they can block one thing, etc) but they can walk and not do a thing for three posts. After the first post of not doing anything then one fades away. As for the title of this; they mirror any actions he does and doesn't have free will on its own. The duplicates can spawn anywhere near five feet of him and facing in any direction(basically if he wants to make a specific action then it's thought out before hand) once hit they expire even if they didn't get to preform a command. Can stack one more post for six but will lose two every time they don't do something. Can't be charge along with anything else other then strength boost. (Has to have one already charge before usage) •Exploding Phantasms: A skill only for his GunBlade alone; he can make the phantasmal rounds explode on impact! A extra charge post is required before "loading" before he can unleash it. If it were to miss then it'll still detonate a like minor frag grenade. So even being close to it you'll still need to be light on your feet or feel it's wrath. A deadly combination if it's mixed into a volley. Requiring two post before charging up a volley, the danger only increase to have the same impact as a anti tank mine! Exploding away from the point of fire so that it'll keep the user safe while his target is another story.. •Air jump: since he can't fly the only best thing is this. Being able to jump into the air and a few more times in any direction. During this state he is lightest weight so he'll glide back to the ground if his momentum is not going down fast. Takes one post to charge, writing this down on his legs as well and can hold up to three jumps. Every jump is five feet.(do the math) because of this he can't use lightning step along with this and has to use this before using the other, and vice versa. •strength boost: normally can dead lift 150lbs fine with no trouble and can pack a punch a professional UFC fighter. This temporary boost will make him strong enough to throw a school bus over twenty feet, be able to punch a bank's vault door open on a single strike, and take getting hit by a big rig at full speed or c-4 charge blowing up right in front of him and take it like a boss. This boost can only be acquired through four post of charge while can be charge with anything else and will only last for three. After it wears off; there is a eight post cool down, and depending on what he did during his boost can either be tired or his body feeling numb everywhere, etc for three post. •kinetic shell: this one has already been engraved onto his chest plate and shoulder(refer to pic) a added on layer of protection that acts like a shield with spikes. By that it means that any regulator magical projectile/attack that would strike anywhere on his armor, will trigger a explosive reaction of pure energy. Propelling ballistics back and fend off against any high powered attack.(like getting shot by a tank or dealing with anti tank rounds, this armor will react accordingly to defend against it) It explodes for the his body outward to either push away deadly attacks, create a gap between enemies, push off enemies who are dog piled on him, etc.. With only three layers on protection and after that must wait one post and then three more post to get it back in order. •Merciful healing: it means what it says; its a healing ability that is not used for himself......but for his rival combatant. This is written on the fallen foe's chest or forehead so they can recover from the battle fought against the Mage hunter. Only thing about it is it would be from a willing person, of that specific person wish to be healed then it's granted to him. A fail safe is added on to it that would negate any special properties on said person until Shido has left the field and away from danger. The only reason why he has this very specific ability is that if he likes the fight and wishes to fight the person again in a later time, it gives the opponent to recover and train more to another skirmish.[/hider] [hider=Physical Attributes]Physical Attributes -His body is limber and flexible, making him able to preform parkour even with the equipment that he carries with him. -Able to adapt into the environment or specific scenario that requires him to think fast. With a little help of his helmet along with his special abilities, his able to coordinate attacks and be able to be one step ahead of his enemies. -High endurance and pain tolerance. Able to allow what manages to get through to his armor and abilities that drain his spirit to suck it up and take it like a man! Fighting till he literally reaches breaking point and can't stand anymore. -Even though he is human; he is able to run as fast as an Olympian track star, fight the top human fighters of the world like if they were nothing street thugs. (Worlds best karate master, Brazilian ju jitsu, wrestling, savate, etc) his back won't be broken so easily like Bane did to Batman. -He is a hunter in nature and a assassin when need to be. He is specifically trained to deal with powered up enemies and hopes to teach them a lesson or put them six feet under. A challenging task but he'll never will refuse an opportunity when it comes knocking on his door. -Trained so his swords is an extension of himself. With his blades at his side; he'll never stick to one fighting style as he improvises to see what works best in facing a note worthy foe. -his only weakness is he is human! Despite being naturally gifted; If someone were to get a clear opening to take him out then he will die. Without his armor and special gauntlets, he'd have to write down his words of power by either carving it with a dagger or use his own blood as his ink.[/hider]