As it turned out, the symbol was in fact enough for the guards to let Alexander pass and he wasted little time. The statue gave him a moment’s pause, only long enough to determine there weren’t any inscriptions or warnings carved into the base, before he continued into the Labyrinth itself. His progress was slowed to a careful walk as he entered the dimly lit cave. Thanks to the lighting he could barely see a dozen meters ahead of him, and even then it was iffy. Did something move at the edge of his vision or was it just a trick of the light? Frankly he couldn’t be certain, so hence the slow and cautious walk. Course, a rather distinct sound wasn’t impeded in the slightest by the lack of light and Alexander tensed. He thought he’d heard something clatter against the stone floor, but listening carefully he only caught the sound of footsteps. It was enough for him to investigate though, and so with his shield tucked close and sword unsheathed he sped up to a light jog. The other adventurer quickly came into view, and despite his initial surprise at how young the other girl was Alexander’s attention focused on the goblin instead. Its injury seemed to be pretty damn fatal even if the creature refused to acknowledge it as such just yet. [i][color=ed1c24]‘Shit.’[/color][/i] There was no way he would be able to close the distance in time, so hopefully she could dodge or put the creature down first. [color=ed1c24]“I’m an ally!”[/color] He called out as a warning so the girl wouldn’t mistake him for a monster, his feet slamming into the ground as he sped up to a charge