Phacia grinned with delight seeing the two embraced once again, the potion had worked. Then again she really didn't have any doubts. She was happy for her mistress of course. "Grimm blood?" ruby sounded confused. "Yeah, pretty much it clouds her memories and gives her new ones. Next time we do meet her she'll think of us as enemies." Genya said. "What?! No, my sister wouldn't do that. Come on we have to find her." Ruby tried to get up but was too weak. "You're in no shape to go anywhere right now. Plus we don't have to worry about search for her. Luckily Yang and I had an idea, just in case we did get captured by the enemy. We each had a tracking device put into us......and that it's activated I already know where she's at." "Really where?" "Just like I said before. They're in one of the caves in the forest.....well in the one on the far northeast of the forest. Scorpio's cave it's called."