[u]Character Creation Guide[/u] This guide is more for people who require assistance with creating a character they can connect with through RP, than from a casual standpoint. But follow this format for ease of approval by GMs. [hider=The Gist] [i]Appearance:[/i] Your physical appearance and VR appearance. Please paste your images under spoiler text, or it makes posts unnecessarily large. [i]Real Name:[/i] Your name in the physical world. [i]Online Name:[/i] Your virtual handle, used for Virtual Reality (except in the school network). [i]Age:[/i] High school age (14-18). Unless loopholes can be jumped through. [i]Personality:[/i] Self-explanatory, cannot be 100% antisocial, mentally deranged, or otherwise possess traits that will throw the plot/character interactions off the rails. [i]Background:[/i] Explain the events that led to your Avatar's creation. Though trauma is a common theme, an Avatar need not stem from such an event (i.e. Chiyu's Lime Bell is the result of her childhood memories). More info under "Take A Step Back". Also, special plot-related circumstances are explained here (at GM's discretion). [i]Other:[/i] Do you want your character to have skills used in the real world? Up to 3 practical skills can be chosen, or 1 specialization. Otherwise, fill this space with fun facts or nothing at all. [i]Avatar Appearance:[/i] Again, image under spoiler text please. [i]Avatar Name:[/i] Avatar names are two parts - a color (can be creative shades) and any "thing" really. More on color under "Color Me Interested". [i]Level:[/i] Choose a level 1-3, and you will obtain Abilities/Burst Points depending on it. [i]Relation:[/i] By this I mean the Guardian/Protege relation, or if you were transferred the Brain Burst game by another player. If you would rather be neither for now, than you will simply be placed in line for when a new player joins, to be their Guardian. [i]Abilities:[/i] At level 1, you gain 1 Limited Activation ability (passive ability, like Haru's wings), and 1 Special Move (trump card, can be used only once per battle). On level up, you may choose to gain 1 of either type of ability. More on that in "Show Me Your Moves". [i]Enhanced Armaments:[/i] External equipment that your character can start with and obtain during RP. Ranges from weapons, tools, extra armor/gear, and even vehicles (of a small scale). See "More Gun" for details. [i]Legion:[/i] Optional, but joining a Legion early grants you different RP opportunities than lonewolfing it. Check out "We Are Legion". [/hider] [hider=Take A Step Back] I consider there to be 2 types of players who need help with character background: those who develop story before stats, and those who build stats before story. Below are 2 different guides for your personal strokes. [u]Story Before Stats[/u] (If you're only confused about how to apply your story to character, check out the other spoilers below.) So, you came up with an excellent idea, and then it ended up not so impressive on paper. Whether the problem is it lacks depth, sounds generic, or simply needs filler will all be addressed below: [i]Premise[/i] - Did you begin with your character's initial background? Explaining their environment, relationships, or stance before undergoing a dramatic change adds depth and ability to relate with. More plot ideas can branch from this extra dimension. [i]Setup[/i] - How did your character land him or herself in such situation? Randomly placing your character can be interpreted either as lazy, or "coincidental" (though make mention of this latter possibility). Otherwise, a runner-up sentence helps establish scene and character motivation (usually being the "crossroads" for a character's past). [i]Climax[/i] - Spare us the filler, unless it's of "coincidental" value (make note so GMs take notice). Otherwise give us the meat & bone to understand how broken your character can become, 1-liners and cheesy scenes permitting. [i]Resolution[/i] - My pet peeve for backgrounds has to be here. I'm sorry, but there is no sense in resolving a character by flopping their personality to be mentally ill! It's even more impressive when you can still RP "properly" in interactions with other characters. But seriously, though I'm ranting more on personality than background by now, at least develop a facade before falling back on true emotion, it's what every heartbroken, crazy-inclined human being does. [u]Stats Before Story[/u] (Assuming you've already read the other sections below, filled out the rest of the CS, and left background for last.) For casuals & power gamers, this is it, I'll whisk you through background writing without having to break a sweat! [i]Appearance[/i] - First, settle down, and form an image of your Avatar in mind, using visual aids if any. At the end of this sentence, close your eyes, shut out outside interference, and imagine your Avatar fighting (unless pacifist); a good 10-15 seconds should suffice. As you continue reading this sentence, think of how your Avatar moved: did you take a stance and traded blows with an opponent; did you use hit and run tactics while employing your Abilities/Enhanced Armaments; did you preside over the battlefield with a malevolent aura and equally devastating might; or did you simply not take the offensive and fought the mental/psychological battle? Interpreting your fighting style can translate into how your character grew up: a firm stance shows willpower before & after trauma; running away but looking back shows hope; being above your opponent means wanting to rise above or acting guardian; maybe you just seek comprehension with yourself or opponent. Moving on, but keep this in the back of your head. [i]Color[/i] - Having read my Color section below, you should have a basic idea of how your character has reacted to their experience. The main difference I want to point out is how [b]defensive/offensive[/b] your character has acted. Between retreating and lashing back, turning tail and backstabbing, or happy go lucky and drowning in sorrow (as an [color=ed145b]R[/color][color=0072bc]B[/color][color=fff200]Y[/color] example), choose the side that best fits your character. [i]Abilities[/i] - Possibly the least helpful to draw inspiration from, but nevertheless lets examine Limited Activation and Special Moves separately. Limited Activation abilities are passive and able to be toggled, translating this to figurative speech means a trait you either once possessed but left behind, or a previous desire lost sight of. An easy example of this is Haru's wings, and other examples off the top of my head could be emitting flame from your body to signify warmth of character, and retracting spikes to show a changing measure of trust. Special Moves can be too flashy to interpret, but it could represent a "flashback" to the past, perhaps a certain action you witnessed someone perform before, or in an ironic twist copying an action done on the day your life changed. [i]Enhanced Armament[/i] - The Enhanced Armament you start with can be considered to be many things: a memento of the past, horrible reminder of the day you broke, like Taku's piledriver, or object of desire. The possibilities for this are endless and can lead to interesting character growth through a simple equipment. And that's all, just follow this simple formula for background: (optional) Premise + Setup + Climax + Resolution. So that's 3-4 sentences, a simple paragraph, applying your Avatar's Abilities/EA to show how your character went through trauma (Setup + Climax), and then utilizing Color for the Resolution. Keep in mind your Avatar's Appearance throughout, so your story won't become contradictory. [/hider] [hider=Color Me Interested] The Color of your Avatar means more than just its fighting style. Determining your Color shows how your character in the real world has dealt with the events that shaped your Avatar. When 2 Duel Avatars face off, not only can they measure the combat potential of each other by Color, but also the depth of emotional scars that each had been inflicted with (helpful for those who take combat to the psychological level). [u]The canon depiction of Colors uses an [color=ed145b]R[/color][color=39b54a]G[/color][color=0054a6]B[/color] system that shows an Avatar's strength in face of their history; however, I prefer an [color=ed145b]R[/color][color=0072bc]B[/color][color=fff200]Y[/color] fan made system that I read up on the other day. This system chooses to include different human emotions and psyche responses to grief or trauma, which I feel is a better array of choices related to Color, unlike superficial "strength" (though by all means you can draw strength from your experience, but not necessarily use it to fight back or accept it).[/u] [color=ed145b]Red[/color]: The "Outcast", representing someone who's chosen to distance or run away from their troubles. Makes sense that this Color has the best [b]long range attacks[/b]. Running away from abusive families, poverty, or even being forced to move could be the cause of a Red Avatar's creation. [color=0072bc]Blue[/color]: The "Determined", representing someone who's chosen to overcome their circumstances. Their [b]close range attacks[/b] suit their demeanor. Overcoming bullying, disability, or serious illness are examples of a Blue Avatar's cause. [color=fff200]Yellow[/color]: The "Denier", representing someone who's basically in self-denial (different from Metals, as they instead repress themselves to forget, while Yellow simply believes in falsehood). [b]Illusions, jamming, and other indirect attacks[/b] are the resulting strategies employed by Yellow Avatars. Think of someone who's forever stuck in the first stage of grief. [u]By combining the primary colors, we get 3 secondary colors with similar attributes to their neighbors.[/u] [color=92278f]Purple[/color]: The "Opportunist" combines Red and Blue for an individual who fears their trauma, yet would do anything to be rid of its lingering scar. Purple Avatars can [b]switch between close and long range combat[/b] on the fly, for whatever suits the situation, yet specialize in neither. Also known as a coward in a ruder sense. [color=39b54a]Green[/color]: The "Hopeful" combines Blue and Yellow for an individual who wishes their trauma would just disappear, or fix itself. Green Avatars [b]play a defensive game[/b] that wears down the opponent, much like how long that individual could wait for their scar to heal. They usually have developed from the least traumatic events, something as simple as depression or loneliness, or could be stuck in the bargaining stage of grief. [color=f26522]Orange[/color]: The "Rebel" combines Yellow and Red for an individual who flips their current life the bird, and decides to create a new one that isn't hampered by their previous bad experiences. Orange Avatars combine [b]long range firepower with indirect attack[/b] that usually results in something going up in flames or mass destruction. They certainly can act like a zealot when advertising their new lifestyle. [b]Black[/b] and [i]White[/i] have yet to be fully determined from canonical evidence, however I prefer to think of them as the "Pure" Colors, as I believe these Avatars have not experienced any noteworthy trauma in their life. But as no real human being can be considered perfect, I believe they have instead developed complexes that reflect their lifestyle, namely [b]Black = Inferiority[/b] & [i]White = Superiority[/i]. Black Avatars tend to be [b]balanced fighters who rely on either skill or technique[/b] to win, while White are the most likely to [i]possess unique abilities not necessarily for combat[/i] yet just as valuable. These type of characters need not be Mary Sues, as long as you the player develop them properly. [u]Metals[/u] can be explained rather simply (as I have under Yellow) - repression of trauma that leads them to protecting their heart from being hurt further. Metals haven't been very well explained though, so for now choose any element (-topes allowed) from the Periodic Table, and apply their properties to your Avatar (at GM's discretion). You can create an Avatar with 2 different Colors. This represents a clash or divide within one's heart, such as burdens or expectations placed that contrast other desires. The "Color" should then be taken after a plant (or anything else with explanation), whose flowers and fruit may be different, for example. The brightness & saturation of your Color not only shows how specialized you are in that Color's playstyle, but also how close you are to mending your scar or accepting it. The lighter/less saturated, the closer you are, while more saturated/darker goes the opposite way. Consider this when picking out a particular shade of your Color. [/hider] [hider=Show Me Your Moves] [u]Limited Activation[/u] Passive abilities that can be toggled on & off. Can be useful for offense, defense, or utility. Cannot be granted by Enhanced Armaments. One example is Haru's wings. [u]Special Move[/u] Abilities that have a usage limit of once per battle. Useful as tide turners or trump cards. Can be as simple as Headbutt or flashy as Starburst Stream. Cannot be used to recharge another Special Move. [/hider] [hider=More Gun] When creating your starting Enhanced Armament, take into consideration these factors: - Its initial purpose - How it could evolve in the future - And why it matches your character If a pure weapon is not appealing, you could create a tool that may not have much combat capability now, but could turn into a fearsome weapon later on. Girding yourself in extra armor aids in your initial survival, and can later go as far as modify your body into a juggernaut of sorts. Other gear such as the Gale Thruster can give an early edge in battle to level up quickly, before converting it into something more suitable for later levels. Vehicles are better for RP reasons, no one can argue against hitching a ride to get somewhere faster and safer, or become potential roadkill. Of course, all sorts of Enhanced Armaments will be made available and rewarded to players as the story progresses. [/hider] [hider=We Are Legion] Joining a Legion early grants these bonuses: [i]More NPCs[/i] - You will be introduced to your Legionnaires, and besides dueling with you for experience, can help you out as well as offer their own tasks/subplots. [i]Faster Training[/i] - The Legion will train you hard and expect even more, but the result will be faster leveling and thus more power. First thing they will do with you however is throw you into the Unlimited Neutral Field to grind even more. [i]Gain Reputation[/i] - Being part of a Legion does already give you a facelift, but gaining reputation within your Legion, plus even the whole of the Accel World can lead to some interesting contacts being made and favors being asked of you. Someday, you may stand beside the King of Pure Color him/herself. [/hider] Level/Abilities/Burst Points - Chart 1 2 100 2 3 50 3 4 25 (4) 5 50 (5) 6 100 () = GM discretion/only Physical Burst (Matrix Mode) Unlocked At Level 3 - Costs 5 BP Unlimited Neutral Field Unlocked At Level 4 - 10 BP Toll Incarnate System Unlocked At Level 5 - GM Discretion