Senna could feel the impact of the Goblin's sword against her bow and, surprising to her, the bow held up nicely. Indeed, the Goblin's strike seemed so weakened at that point, that even a small girl like her could block its attack. You know, if she was blessed by the gods. Anyways, regaining her composure was no big deal after the realization that her enemy was no longer in a sound condition to fight. So, reading her opponents horribly telegraphed movements, Senna raises her bow one-handed to block the Goblin's next feeble strike. At the same time, she reaches to her side. She picks out one of her favoured throwing axes and swings it sideways, aimed directly at the Goblin's skull. This would probably finish the Monster off, if it connected, and so Senna started to feel at ease. This fight, while surprising, hadn't been nearly as harrowing as some of her encounters in the normal world. Even now, she could feel her breathing evening out, as she began to comprehend the situation more clearly. It was also at this point that she remembered the person behind her, although she made no move to gesture to them. She could afford time to make friends after.