I just realized that my sheet might be completely useless... I haven't written it in that scientific-sounding way with the "subject"s and from that sort of Doc's POV... Is this a problem? [hider=WIP Sample thingy] Host Twin Form [center][img] Insert image of your Character (host twin) [/img][/center] [b]Identification Number:[/b] 8483E [b]Name:[/b] Michael T. Anderson [b]Nickname:[/b] Lucifer [b]Sex[/b]: Male ♂ [b]Date of Birth:[/b] 19/05/1999 (16) [b]Height:[/b] 183 cm / 6'0” [b]Weight:[/b] 64 kg / 141 lbs [b]Identical or Fraternal?:[/b] Dizygotic (Fraternal) Male (Host) – Male (Failed) [b]Personality:[/b] Growing up, Michael was a downright menace. As soon as he was able to crawl, he was tugging off tablecloths, climbing up bookcases and chewing on anything that could fit in his mouth. This sort of behavior continued all the way throughout his childhood, with him stealing toys and games from his friends, breaking into the school during the weekend and causing havoc and things that were borderline criminal, but was never treated as such. Despite his constant attempt at getting some attention, he was constantly denied and promptly ignored. When attempting to gain attention by being bad turned out to be useless, he changed his tactics and tried to get it by being good. And boy, was he good. He was the first of the boys in his class to get a girlfriend, the first to get a kiss and even the first to get to second base. He cared less about the attention from parents and teachers and more about the attention of his peers; especially the females. As he is now, he will do pretty much anything for people to like him or at least give him some attention. He is extremely insecure and has a tendency to make up stories when it comes to his family life in order to make himself seem more interesting. He still steals sometimes, but not as often as he used to. [b]Family:[/b] Marianne S. Anderson – Mother Marianne is a somewhat special woman. She was deemed disabled before she turned thirty, but after birthing her three children, due to osteoarthritis and spent most of her time after that taking all sorts of art classes. Despite her wish to always do the best for her children, she was simply unable to put aside her own wants and needs, leaving her children with a lack of motherly love. She was always quick to anger and could hold a grudge for ages; even at her husband or children. Frank R. Anderson – Father Due to his wife's early retirement, Frank was more or less forced to spent the majority of his time working, taking extra hours and covering shifts wherever he could. Without education of any sort, the jobs he was able to get were far from the best, but he worked hard to keep food on the table for his family. Sadly, this resulted in the lack of a father figure for the children, as well. He always was the sort of man to try and look a the situation from the brighter side and crack jokes when he got uncomfortable. Kenneth L. Anderson – Older Brother (1994 (21)) As the first child of Marianne and Frank, Kenneth was the one to receive the most attention. Despite this, he always acted older than his age. By the time he became an older brother for the first time, he was already saying things like “the children are being so noisy” about other kids his age. His negative attitude caused him to entirely friendless, his siblings aside and he found solace from the wickedness of the world by indulging himself in the fantasy worlds of games and books, eventually developing an interest fro writing, himself. Anne M. Anderson – Older Sister (1997 (18)) Anne was a prodigy child almost straight from birth. She was walking before she was six months old and was able to both read and write perfectly before she even entered school. Math and science came easily to her and she hardly ever used any effort for anything she did. Being a somewhat awkward child, she was very happy when she started puberty and developed into a very beautiful woman. Being popular became the most important thing to her and she was soon known as “the wasted potential” among teachers and parents as her grades dropped lower and lower in sync with her getting more and more popular. Soul Twin Form [b]Name:[/b] Currently; Lucas [b]Sex:[/b] Male ♂ [b]Relationship with the Host:[/b] Lucas likes to be the voice of madness; the devil on his shoulder. He likes to try and get Michael to do things that both of them know he should not, such as steal that plush tiger on the floor of his friend's room or smoke some of the weed they know their sister has hidden in her desk drawer, beneath her long-untouched sketching pad. WIP [b]Personality:[/b] WIP [b]Notes:[/b] WIP [/hider]