[b]Elena's Apartment, Los Angeles[/b] Jennifer observed the two young women for some time. Not only did she manage to find another evolved human with Elena, but that this evolved human had some very valuable information. And at the moment, this information was just sitting there for her to take. [i]I won't make it... If I change in order to grab the files, I'm out in the open. I can't move something that heavy from inside this room. And I can't afford to just leave, because they might not be here when I return... Why couldn't I be a teleporter?[/i] Jennifer figured the best thing to do right now was wait. The files weren't going to go anywhere yet. They were just out for the taking but it wasn't worth being shrunken or electrocuted from behind for. She thought about her husband being him alone and figured she would have a lot of explaining to do.