With a subtle sigh at sight of the battle, Lorenzo glanced towards Ritsu, before looking towards his remote. [color=f26522]"Hm...this has devolved into a fruitless goose chase. I suppose it can't be helped, hasn't it?"[/color] His fingers were hovering over the red buttons. Litsu raised an eyebrow in response. Lorenzo nodded. [color=f26522]"Yes, yes... I know. Well, I might as well end the match now then. This is getting rather dull, and we've already gotten all the information that we needed to determine a winner...or in this case, the smallest loser. Oh well, night night!"[/color] yelled Lorenzo as he promptly flipped all the switches on his remote. [i]All[/i] of the Framewerks on the battlefield would soon come to a sudden tumbling halt as they crashed into the dirt, their power halted. Soon no movement could be seen in the arena. All of the cockpits locked up, with the power of every Framewerk's primary systems cut off. [color=f26522]"Attention all Cadets, the mock battle is hereby over... you all performed as I expected you to do, which isn't saying much. Others performed better than I expected them to!"[/color] laughed Lorenzo over the intercom. [color=f26522]"Leave your Framewerks where they are at, the mechanics will retrieve them. There will be choppers shortly to escort you all back to the base. Assemble at the briefing hall and prepare for hearing your results."[/color] The voice stopped, but son continued: [color=f26522]"Oh, and one more thing... You all failed the mock battle. Reflect on your failure while you wait,"[/color] spoke Lorenzo as he cackled over the intercom before turning off the communications. [hr] [color=0054a6]"So, they performed exactly how you expected them to?"[/color] asked Ritsu as she looked over Lorenzo's data. [color=f26522]"Yup... although I have chosen a Squad Leader. I'll just wait for them to come back to base for me to explain how they did...or rather, what they didn't."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Despite all that happened you're still going to promote one of them?"[/color] [color=f26522]"I have to, someone needs to be in charge on the battlefield. Conflicts of any kind must be resolved, preferably even prevented, if they are to survive for a second out there. I may even assign a secondary leader to them, someone who showed a different set of skills."[/color] And with those words, Lorenzo shut off the monitor, and sipped on his caffeine-based refreshment. [color=f26522]"Anyway, what is the situation on our replacement?"[/color] Lieutenant Ritsu whipped out a hand-held tablet from her pocket, and checked it. [color=0054a6]"It will take a couple of weeks to transfer the Framewerk, but the pilot was called in the moment Cadet Stukov was KIA. ETA 4 hours."[/color] [color=f26522]"Good. Make sure he's up to speed and at my lecture on time. I've already done enough waiting for a century."[/color] [hr] Once the announcement was done, Elora opened her eyes, and shut off the music player. It turned out that nobody succeeded at the mission, which was surprising to her; they did exactly as they were ordered to. She may have pondered on the subject more if she wasn't feeling suddenly creeped out by the silence that descended on the entire area. There was also a person she wanted to apologize to...face to face. With that said, she opened up voice comms, and contacted Lora: [color=8dc73f]"Hey Lora, could we...talk? There's something I need to say...I'm coming over."[/color] She then climbed up the Framewerk's innards, and opened a hatch. She hopped out of the Framewerk and walked to the capsule where Lora was. She knocked on it, hoping she would get a response from the person who was her enemy just moments ago. She didn't blame Lora for possibly hating her, but she did hope she could first hear her out. [color=8dc73f]"Umm..I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't know what overcame me. It was...scary."[/color]