[center][h3][color=aqua]Sea Serpent[/color][/h3][/center] It stared at those on the ship as they came onto the deck. He couldn't have asked for a better meal. With a large splash, the creature dove into the water. As it did, it revealed it's tail which held a large purple crystal, tied tightly to the creatures thin tail with painful latches. It dove below the boat and slide under the boat, rocking it a bit, attempting to cause some of the crew to fall. When none of them splashed into the water, it huffed, releasing a few bubbles up to the surface. Just a few miles out, another smaller creature leapt through the water, making their way for the boat. Those on deck with good enough hearing could almost make out what it was... saying. "..it...ta....st.....do....ki.....ki!" [hr] [center][h3]Jonathan[/h3][/center] The door slammed before him. Mate... a chicken? What in the world kind of insult was that? Did she not like chickens very much? But just as soon as the door had closed, it slowly opened. [b]"...alright. Get in. Don't drag me in your useless family crossfire.", she told him. "It's either you get a consultation, you get to be my apprentice, you do what you promise to say, or you get out. Nothing else."[/b] Jonathan silently nodded and followed her inside the house, spinning around as he took it all in. [color=brown]"What a lovely home you have. It's certainly very... large. I don't think even Marcus has a home this large. Though, seeing it might prompt him to make one post haste."[/color] Jonathan explained, chuckling to himself. He didn't really hate his brother but... Jonathan sighed and looked over at Artav with an awkward smile. [color=brown]"Alright, what do you need me to do?"[/color] When would the day come when Jonathan wasn't taking order? When he could just be Jonathan. Out of his siblings he was the one that hates his powers and just wanted to be normal...