The ring in the hands of Keystone buzzed with so much magical energy that even someone with no knowledge of anything magical would be able to feel its power. No doubt many enchantments laid in it, but they were not apparent to the fighter just yet. Reverin's tower stood empty, and the mage's untimely demise had lowered some of the wards that depended on his lifeforce, but many others guarded the tower yet. He had not had the time to fix the two holes in the warded fence, and if inspected closely, one could swear the air was clearer and easier to see through. The town of Two Stars was drifting off into sleep. Shops closed, candles were extinguished, and many a patron of a local bordello went upstairs with a paid for mistress for the night. On the walls of the town, guards strolled back and forth, keeping watch over the horizon and the misty outskirts. A heavy mist was drifting down the plains that day, moving northeast from Thay. In but an hour, it would blanket the town, hopefully bringing a little refreshment during the morning. "Derrick, what's that over there, in the mist?" a fresh recruit poked a sleeping one. Derrick looked at what he was supposed to see, and his sleepyness washed over like he'd just had a cold shower. " Sound the alarms! The city is under attack!" An hour later, the cold mist crawled over the empty battlements.