Race: Human Avatar: The life of a bastard is one of struggle. With the deck stacked against you from the start you have to learn to thrive in a hostile world. As something of an outcast, Thekk faces judgmental glances, low mutterings, and the futility in trying to change something he had no control over. Because of this, Thekk holds the Rat in high esteem, identifying with the futile struggle that is life. Name: Thekk Gender: male Age: 19 Appearance: The best words to describe Thekk are remarkably average. Despite having somewhat of an angular face, with high cheekbones and a thin chin, most of Thekk's features don't provoke any sense of wonder or disgust. His most idiosyncratic feature would be his thick, curly black hair paired with vibrant green eyes. Current Equipment: Harvesting sickle, Toolbelt with hammer, chisel, and a mostly blunted from use hatchet, thick working gloves Handy Skills: Minor Wound Treatment - specialized in animals Forestry - identifying local herbs and plants Horseriding - from working in his father's stables Personality at RP's Start: Thekk is something of a loner. He doesn't talk much because he is rarely talked to. He harbors bitter resentment for a life he had no choice in forming and aspires to be known for something beyond his means of conception. Facts Likely Known To Others: Thekk is a bastard (hence the lack of surname). Not just any bastard, but one belonging to a rich landowner in the village. Though not accepted as a full member of his father's family, he has modest quarters among his father's homestead. He "earns" his stay by working his father's fields and stables. His illegitimacy caused something of a scandal among the village at the time of his birth, and he has been something of the town pariah ever since.