[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vlrlYq5.png[/img][/center] [center][h1][b][u]T H E L E G E N D O F Z E L D A: The Lost Knight[/u][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][i]The Great Hero, Link, First Knight of Hyrule, has saved his kingdom three times over, from threats each more sinister than the last: the dark rule of Ganondorf, King of Thieves; the chaos sown by the Demon of the Mask, Majora; and the Twilight Invasion by Zant, Usurper King of the Twili. Now, with Zelda reigning over a land of harmony and prosperity, Link is reaching his last years, and wishes to take a grand journey across Hyrule to see the land he saved, and to bid his farewells to old friends. Link's pilgrimage was to take six months. It has been eight. Queen Zelda, fearful and ill with worry, has put out a call across the land, seeking valient residents of Hyrule to seek him out, offering a royal bounty of rupees and the gratitude of Hyrule's people to reward success. The quest is set out thus: travel Hyrule, find the lost Knight, and return him to Hyrule Castle, so that he may take his rightful place beside Zelda when their time comes. The new heroes of Hyrule are to meet in Hyrule Castle's antechamber when the morning sun breaks the horizon, for an audience with Queen Zelda before they undertake their task. The call for a new protector of Hyrule has been put forth. Will you answer?[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2910067]The History of Hyrule[/url][/b][/center] [center][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2910069]The Races of Hyrule[/url][/b][/center] [center][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2910070]The Luminaries of Hyrule[/url][/b][/center] [center][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2910072]The Land of Hyrule[/url][/b][/center] [hr] [center][h2]Rules & FAQ[/h2][/center] [b]RULES[/b] [u][i][b]Character Creation:​[/b][/i][/u] [i]- Sheets are to be sent to the GM (Roman) by PM. Any non-approved sheets posted directly in the OOC will not be considered, and I will ask they be removed.[/i] ​ [i]- Applications will not be approved until the GM has had proper time to look over the sheet and deal with any glaring issues before allowing it. Please keep this in mind when your sheets aren't immediately cleared for posting.[/i] ​ [i]- Players are permitted only one primary character. This character can die and be replaced, but good reason must be given to the GM for the action to be considered.[/i] [u][i][b]Out of Character Thread:​[/b][/i][/u] [i]-Respect the Game Master. The GM’s word is final, and if a law is laid then do not argue or disregard it. Likewise, do not ignore Guild Moderators or Admins. Failure to adhere will result in ejection from the game and a polite request not to return.[/i] ​ [i]-Respect your fellow players. Debate and constructive criticism is fine; flaming and outright nastiness is not. If you feel there are glaring issues with another player that must be addressed, contact the GM privately. Failure to adhere will result in ejection from the game and a polite request not to return.[/i] ​ [i]-If a quarrel arises between players, either ask the GM to adjudicate, or take it to a private format. Do not use the OOC Thread to quibble among yourselves.[/i] ​ [i]-Feel free to chat, but try not to let talk unrelated to the game run rampant.[/i] [u][i][b]In Character Thread:​[/b][/i][/u] [i]-Posting at least once or twice a week is expected. Try to post in the OOC Thread, or message the GM, if extraneous circumstances arise which make such activity difficult. Characters and their players that become inactive will eventually be removed from the game.[/i] ​ [i]-Do not take control of another player’s character without express permission from both the player involved and the GM as to the extent of the actions. Doing so will be counted as God-Modding or Meta-Gaming, and will be considered a serious offence. Killing another character without permission will result in removal of the post, immediate ejection from the game, and a polite request not to return.[/i] [i]-No OOC posting in the IC Thread. That’s what the OOC Thread is for. Obviously.[/i] [b]F.A.Q.[/b] [u][i][b]Is this a Canon RP?[/b][/i][/u] [i]Yes. This RP takes place within the Legend of Zelda universe, borrowing characters, locations, and lore from the series.[/i] [u][i][b]Where/when does this take place in the LoZ universe?[/b][/i][/u] [i]The events of this game take place many years after the events of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, with the events of both The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess having occurred as well. The game will encompass nearly all points of the Hyrule Map. Both the events of Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess, and the map itself, have been modified and streamlined to compile the events, characters, and locations of multiple entries into the Legend of Zelda series while remaining cohesive and keeping the soul of the series intact.[/i] [u][i][b]Can I be a 'Non-Playable' race?[/b][/i][/u] [i]No. The two 'non-playable' races listed are listed for completion's sake, and they have their own reasons for being non-playable.[/i] [b][i][u]Can I be a non-listed race?[/u][/i][/b] [i]I will not accept any original races, but I may accept non-listed but still canon races on a case-by-case basis if you so desire to create a character that is a member of a lesser-known species.[/i] [u][i][b]Can I be a Canon character?[/b][/i][/u] [i]No. Important Canon characters will not be partaking in the quest, and will be met along the journey, controlled by the Narrator.[/i] [u][i][b]Can my character use a gun/vehicle/other modern technology?[/b][/i][/u] [i]No. There is no such technology present in Hyrule. Transports are horses, wagons, and boats, while weaponry and tools are forged or crafted. The realm's prolifent magic has eliminated the need for advanced technology, and so the developments simply have not been made.[/i] [b][i][u]Can my character come from somewhere outside Hyrule?[/u][/i][/b] [i]No. Hyrule is the world, and beings outside of it are unfeasible to the residents. Termina, and other such parallel worlds, are unknown, if they exist at all.[/i] [b][i][u]Can my character come from somewhere their race does not generally reside?[/u][/i][/b] [i]Yes and no. Dependent on your character's race, your place of birth will often be fixed, but where your character grew up can be changed. Zora, for example, can be born anywhere there is water for the eggs to hatch in, and so are not confined to Zora's Domain; but Gerudo will always be born and raised within Gerudo Valley.[/i]