Hey there! I'm looking for some players to fill the various roles of the Landmakers for Meikyuu Kingdom. [H3] What is Meikyuu Kingdom?[/h3] Meikyuu is tabletop game that is basically what if you crossed over the silly irreverent humor of Disgaea and tonally similar games with the old school dungeon crawling with a resource management aspect. Now if all that stuff is conjuring images of a bunch of funky looking dice and complicated maths don't fret. The game is actually pretty simple and novice friendly compared to most western styled tabletop games. It uses two regular dice like those in monopoly and the number aspects are fairly easy as well. So if you ever wanted to play D&D or just are curious in trying your tabletop game but want something easy to get into this is your game. Now as for what I meant by Landmakers. Landmakers in the game are basically your position you play within the context of the court and your first class. You got the: -King who statwise gets to pick what he's good at and acts either as a fill-in for a missing role or at least a substitute. The king of course is also the leader. -Vizier who's the smart guy and handles the financial aspects of the kingdom as well as advises the king. -Knight who's the fighter and handles all fighty stuff. -Ninja who's basically the party rogue. And is primarily in charge of scouting dungeons and to a more greater extent taking care of traps. -Oracle who gets to make up the kingdom's religion and functions as a healer/cleric. Plus they got a decent charisma score making them good at negotiating with monsters/people as well as other tasks that need it. -Servants are jack of all trades with a focus on support. They get to have two jobs which allows them to diversify their abilities. As for what jobs are they're basically your subclass and they allow access to certain skill trees which grant you various abilities and they give a stat boost. There's a bunch of them but I won't go into detail here as it's not needed. Also if you progress far into the game you can qualify Advanced Jobs which are prestige classes. Of note is the Servant can have two prestige classes so long as the requirements for each one is met. So yeah if you got a jonesing for some goofy dungeon crawling action then come join.