[img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130408092702/callofduty/images/2/2d/Finn_O%27Leary_BOII.png] [b][u] "The Doc" [/b][/u] [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Relations:[/b] None. All family is dead. [b]Equipment:[/b] Field medkit (missing some gauze and all anti-biotics, but has two spools of thread and three stichting needles inside), Canteen with home-made filter that's almost worn out, Rusted Kopesh-style machete with a worn-out sheath, and a medium backpack that currently holds just the medkit (canteen is strapped to body and machete is in sheath strapped to hip) [b]Personality:[/b] Doc prefers not to use his real name, as it brings back old memories that he does not enjoy. He loves meeting new people, but tends to avoid making relationships. He's never had a wife or kids, but even though he acts like he does not want to grow attached to anyone, he secretly wishes for a family of his own. He is very strong and is able to hold his own against a Stalker in hand-to-hand (though he prefers to avoid that if at all possible.). He can survive long enough to allow someone else to kill a clicker that is attacking him, but he cannot kill it himself, as has been proven many times, except when he sneaks up behind one. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Growing up on a farm, Doc tended to love working with animals and people, learning quickly how to treat even some of the most serious injuries. He joined in the military as a field surgeon and quick medic in times of war, but went AWOL 3 years after deployment, putting him behind bars when they found him. He worked his time away as a doctor, getting out 5 years early, a few days before the outbreak. Meeting up with the group, he has used his skills numerous times to save many lives, though he could not save the infected, though he has tried before. [b]Other:[/b] Even though he is a surgeon and doctor and can stand the sight of blood, there is something about the extent of the injuries that clickers have that throws his stomach off. This weakness of his gut is what causes Doc to become unable to handle a clicker in a fight, but the same fear drives him to at the very least, survive. (enough of a non-badass for ya? ;P I'll add another character later on in the rp, when i find more inspiration and what may be needed)