No longer looking for games, thank you. [hider]Hello, thanks for dropping by! Due to circumstances, I happen to have some free time! I looking for at least one game, but I might take more, who knows? So, to start with, I generally [B]post at least once every one-two days[/B], though usually bit more. It highly depends on my work schedule. I'm not unwilling to do romance, but I only care for it as a [B]subplot with a M/F pairing[/B], though I'll play either gender. I definitely [B]do NOT do sex scenes[/B]. I write in [B]past tense and third person[/B], and expect the same from you. I'm generally a quick poster myself, work permitting, but the more we talk about the story, the easier it will be for us to post! In regards to post length and the like, it varies based on scene, but as long as you feel confident that you can post [B]at least 2/3 paragraphs a post[/B], then we'll be fine. Though collabs are also options for quick back and forths. I don't really want to go offsite, like chat or such, but I'm alright with either threads or PMs. As for genres and the like, I'm mostly interested in [B]Fandom games[/B] with focuses on [B]original characters[/B] at the moment. For many of them, there's a strong tendency towards similar base plots to the original, but I feel as though they're very malleable within those plots! And that could just be the start; who knows what can happen? I might also be able to be wrangled into something else if you think it might be in line with my interests! Speaking of those interests, here's a few game ideas. In no particular order: [U][I]Tiger and Bunny[/I][/U] – This game would hold the same basic premise, but replacing the canon characters with OCs. Our two characters might be crimefighting partners, or simply hero rivals as they protect Sternbild City in the eye of millions of viewers. We would also be creating the other heroes vying for the title of Hero King, with varying levels of importance based on the arc. I have a few ideas for the plotline, but it would largely be character based! Again, that goes for both our characters and the others. Either way, there would definitely be a lot of action, so hopefully you enjoy creating neat powers and writing fight scenes! We'd both have one main character each, but also share the NPCs. [U][I]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/I][/U] – Pilots in Eva units against Angels, all with original spins. Playing multiple characters would be alright here though! It would also be in line with the tone of the series, as you could guess. I love my twists, you see... [U][I]Jojo's Bizarre Adventure[/I][/U] – Stands and weird shit in amazing locales! Once again, I don't have any specific ideas for a plot but it might be cool to try something! [U][I]Hunter x Hunter[/I][/U] – Having read it fairly recently for the first time, I'd love to mess around with the Nen system. Again though, I have few to no ideas for a plot, but I'm open to them! I also might be open to other ideas. As far as Fandoms go, I'm always down for One Piece, for instance, and it never hurts to ask![/hider]