Shouldering his shield, Evan stood up fully intending on leaving his teammates behind, at least that was until Pistolera decided to show her cojones were bigger than everyone else's on the team. Unlike Thermo, Pistolera came up with a plan on the fly and implemented it immediately pulling Zane aside and having him produce a portal. Before he had a chance to object or even raise his shield, Pistolera had pulled Evan through the portal as he stumbled into the darkness of the safe house. Finding himself a seat on a munition crate, he looked around the dimly lit box eyeing the walls of guns for a fridge or a case of booze. "Got any wine?" The demi-god asked almost slurring his words as he turned his head towards Simone. "Hell, I'd even settle for your mortal swill more commonly known as beer." It was highly likely that Pistolera was going to say no. This was a safe house, not a getaway resort. There was no pool, no swim up bar and likely no masseurs in the back. What the team had done to San Francisco was unforgivable in the public eye, they had scorned the entire 'teen hero' population. Each and everyone of them would now be compared to the 'Killer Titans'. They truly were a group of outlaws as had been previously said by Thermo. Pistolera had the charge the team needed, she was a survivor and they needed that now, but Thermo was the one they needed in the public eye. Simone had demons, not saying that Thermo didn't but Simone's seemed closer to the surface. [I]Demons..[/I] Perhaps it was the numerous bottles of wine that Evan had ingested or perhaps he had legitimately come up with an idea to redeem the team and clear their names. The people of San Francisco could be saved, if he sacrificed his divinity in exchange for the lives of those they killed. He would die a martyr but San Francsisco's population would be restored. "I..." Evan croaked, breaking the awkward silence of the team. "I may have a bit of a solution to our problems." He added, pausing to see if anyone was listening to the drunk. "I think we can resurrect those who were killed during the zombie invasion, but we can't all go and those that do may not come back." He looked around at the gathered group. "Thermo and Pistolera, you two are too valuable to the team right now, so I just want to start off saying neither of you can come on this mission." Standing up, Evan straightened his disheveled clothes, cursing inwardly at his lack of a drink before continuing. "We need to go to hell, or more specifically Tartarus. The realm of the dead, the problem is only four of us are going to fit on the ferryman's boat." Evan continued as he cleared his voice. "If I sacrifice my divinity, I believe it may count for the majority of the souls, and while I can't ask anyone else to give their lives, if anyone is willing I could use the bartering tools. Best case scenario, everyone else comes back, worst case scenario, the city comes back to life and we remain in the Asphodel Fields for the remainder of eternity." Staggering slightly, Evan returned to his seat as he looked towards the gathered group. "So..." He asked as he looked around at the group one last time. "Any takers?"