[quote=@Darth] Skyforge is such an awful game. I wish it lived up to the hype, like.. at all. Also, in regard to guns in general: it depends on the accepted level of power being used by the characters. Below a certain threshold, guns are just a game-ender. At higher levels, they can either be a) fine or b) more or less non-entities, when you get to a level where characters can walk face first into machine gun fire and be no worse for wear. So there's a happy medium for guns where they can be useful, but not necessarily game-breaking. I should probably repost that power-tier system I developed like five years ago, at some point. It might be handy. [/quote] The aesthetic is still amazing though. Don't care to much about the game from what I've seen. Also yes, that could be helpful... ^^ Also why I have beef with 'archer types' not so much guns. Once again not necessarily talking about archers.