Alya had taken no notice to the hostility of the man who almost threw a tankard at her. She could still see the fear in some of the travelers as they sat nervously in the corner. She was concerned for them, but her mind was mostly focused on playing her music so there wasn't really any time for her to worry too much. She continued to play for some time, but it was evident to her that not many of the patrons left in the tavern were feeling any better than they were a few minutes ago. This made her worry a little more. It was strange, because patrons usually feel more relaxed after she plays a song like that, but they were still panicking. Since she had learnt from her parents that making the customer happy was the key to a successful tavern; the fact that she couldn't help these patrons find any peace, saddened her a little. But she continued to play for them, hoping that it would reach them. Her song was stopped abruptly as two armored men fell through the door frame where the door once was. The thick wooden door had swung open, slapping the wall with a [i]thud[/i]. It was a similar sound to what the men made when they slammed the door shut. The sudden loud noises had shaken her concentration, causing her to stop playing the music. Her heart quickened from the shock of noise, but she calmed down after she saw where the noise came from. As the white elf slumped into the chair, she gently placed her flute on the floor next to her. Slowly, she wandered over to him, her feet carrying her with an air of elegance. As she came face to face with the armored man, she studied his expression for a moment. This look of fear was different from the patrons, but was seemingly all the same. She gently placed her hand on his cheek. It was dirty from all of his struggles, that she knew, but it didn't bother her in the slightest. She gave the other elf a soft smile as if to tell him that everything was going to be okay.