Mai was about to move out of Zone E after the Anzu's escape when her Setsuka suddenly lost power. Immedately understanding, she merely braced herself and even twisted her mech in a way so that it fell back first into the ground. After the hit, she kept her eyes closed...waiting...then the comm line came on... [b]"Attention all Cadets, the mock battle is hereby over... you all performed as I expected you to do, which isn't saying much. Others performed better than I expected them to! Oh, and one more thing... You all failed the mock battle. Reflect on your failure while you wait"[/b], the individual said with a laugh. "...Understood sir...Mission failed...", Mai droned in the open comm link. [i]...and I deserve it...I became inefficient...[/i], Mai thought to herself. Opening the cockpit, Mai climbed out and simply sat on the torso of the Setsuka, still in her pilot suit and black helmit though the "visor" part was a red color. She did check two things there were in place as well in the cockpit. Something she hid under the pilot's seat where no one, not even her team of scientists and engineers, never thought about looking before this whole mock battle started. Mai had just strapped a utility belt of sorts on her waist. On it were a few pouches that held some nutrition bars, a bottle of water, a synringe with some unknown medication in it. But what stood out more were the hostler holding a pistol and another holding a combat knife. It wasn't a "live" mission but even for something like this, Mai always felt it prudent to be prepared even if others thought it wasn't necessary. Hearing that there will be a pick-up, Mai simply continued to sit there, eyes if trying to be aware of her surroundings.