Al nodded at the doctor's words. He understood that alcohol was good. A trained medical professional only confirmed that it could cure outside injuries, not just inside ones. The swordsman immediately bought a very large, very strong bottle of whiskey, slipping it inside his bag. "I think it's like a tomb or something. I knew some guys that cleared out the upper floors the other month; they made out with some decent loot. It's got like traps and stuff, but if you're looking for cash we can head towards the lower floors." he explained to the dog girl. Or was it a fox girl? Al made a mental note to ask after he'd secured a paycheck. "Yeah, I'll join. It'll be an adventure!" he told Marc, emphasizing 'adventure' by pounding his fist into his hand, as the mental note was buried under thoughts like 'That tail is rather fluffy' and 'I hope Haldric's tomb doesn't have terribly many snakes'.