[quote=@Heartfelt Gamer] Hey if you want the big bad enemies that resemble Goths to come in here and find me, I've got no problem with that. Just at least let me have met some people, ally or not, first? [/quote] Certainly, sir. I wont have big baddies show up before you're ready. [quote=@Heartfelt Gamer] [@Chenzor] Alright sooo... I think I'm following how everyone else started. Am I going to get questioned like what kind of humans the people of Aeroral are? They are not very magic adept, and for the most part they banish magic within their walls as it's too powerful and dangerous. Everyone is also doing C) Improve infrastructure I) Take diplomatic action B) Improve military technology etc Where is the list for these actions? Should I go ahead and take a turn since I'm just joining? I mean, go ahead with an action, not a completed action [@Murtox] I purposely chose to be close to you... do you think your kingdom would be okay with talking if we were to discover each other? [/quote] Humans are quite unique in that they don't really have predetermined breeds. They are very versitile as a race and don't have different sub-breeds. So no, you will not be asked to make a choice about what kind of humans your people are. The list of actions are appearent in my turn posts. Check the IC and check the first few posts I made, and check the hiders that each player receives. You will also be given your own hider, with the list and nation stats included. [quote=@PhoenixWhite] [Hider= Saltborn] [b]The Saltborn[/b] [I]"These are a people bred upon the ocean's back, whose demeanor is as calm as the tide upon a clear harvest-time's night. Their ire is as powerful as the crashing of waves upon a sandy bank, however."[/I] Civilization name - Children of The Salt Colloquialism - Saltborn Government type - Demarchy [AKA, rule of the 'randomly selected' - A governing council is constantly reorganized and restructured [Numbering Sometimes 9, sometimes 13, sometimes 11] so that there is no central ruling figure or government and that all Saltborn maintain neutrality in regards to affairs and issues] [b]Race - Child of Salt[/b] [Negatives] -Very low reproduction [The Saltborn themselves are as infertile as the salted earth, and the growth of population is almost stagnant, with but a few children being born amongst hundreds of saltborn every few years] -low physical strength -low magical capacity [Skewing towards nonexistant] -Slow to act and change [Penalty to technology advancement and military reactions, and can apply to select diplomatic situations] -Agriculturally deficient [Due to the Saltborn's nature, the concept of farming is rather far-fetched; salted lands are infertile, after all, and growing plants would be immensely difficult for them to do] -Ocean-dependent [The Saltborn rely on the ocean for their primary sustenance and resources] [Positives] -Skillful [A saltborn dedicates their life to their craft. What few soldiers the Saltborn possess are truly elite, for instance, and those who work in crafts are masters at their art] -Long lifespan [The original Saltborn still lives, although withered and eroded away; lifespan averaging out at ~300 years, with 'elders' being classified as those above 400. Lifespan is relative and dated at Saltborn efficiency rather than Saltborn life cycle, as at the higher ages they deteriorate and fall apart rather than die out] -Seafaring people [Being born of the sea, the Saltborn seek to master the ocean's power and are naturally inclined to be skilled with naval crafts and navigation] -Low Maintenance [Saltborn require minimal sustenance and rest in order to function at full and comfortable capacity] --[i]The Ocean's Children[/i]-- The Saltborn are curious creatures, at best. They are bipedal, and for all intensive purposes can be classified as 'humanoids'. The average saltborn is a thin, tall, creature who rises up to the height of 7 feet. They can hardly be called large, however, as their bodies hardly weigh enough to bring truly impactful force behind their tall stature. They don't have hair, and their skin is waxy [in the sense that water would run right off of them]. The distinct lack of dominant facial structure is possibly the most eery of the Saltborn's traits, as their faces are fairly uniform amongst them... A Saltborn's face is mostly smooth, with clear spheres for eyes. The rare saltborn has coloration in its iris. The mouth is hard to distinguish from the rest of the face until one witnesses a Saltborn eat or speak, making them appear to simply have no defining structure until these actions take place. Telling the Saltborn genders apart is almost impossible without the assistance of the Saltborn themselves. --[b]The Heaven Forged[/b]-- Since the rise of the saltborn long ago, when the ocean's breath first brought life to the shores, it is only natural that the heavens have struck down upon the shores of the oceans from time to time, and that a Saltborn fell prey to lightning due to their tall stature. Most Saltborn die from this, their bodies too frail to handle the heat and power. The rare Saltborn, however, survives; the Heaven Forged. The Heaven Forged typically renounce whatever lifestyle that had before and transition into a hunter/soldier life. The physical transition between a Saltborn and a Heaven Forged is extremely apparent; the Heaven Forged lose the waxy seal upon their person, and seem to be made of an almost glass-like material in its stead. They are hardier than the average Saltborn, marginally, but the key difference is that the Heaven Forged are much faster, physically, and also bear natural weaponry such as warped limbs and jagged edges, turning their bodies into lethal tools. --[Demgraphics]-- Adult Saltborn - 200 -Male; 67 -Female; 131 -Children; 2 Saltborn to Heaven Forged ratio - 50;1 -The current Saltborn population has four Heaven Forged amongst them Millitant population percentage - ~10% [20 Saltborn assorted hunters/soldiers + 4 Heaven Forged] 90% of population - Fishers, Artisans and craftsman, philosophers/great thinkers, etc [hider=location on the map] The Saltborn call the island to the far southwest, which is solitary, their home; "Ocean's Breath" being the term they refer to their home as [/hider] [/hider] I had this immensely curious idea pop into my mind and decided to throw together basic information about it and slap it down here to see how it was received. I may have gotten a bit too far-fetched with it, but this is how everything fell together in my head. Since it is a custom race I did need to post it here regardless, so my timid nature had better go sit in its corner! [/quote] An interesting race! I'll approve of it. Go ahead and make your introduction in the IC and I'll inlude you in the next turn! [h2]Also,[/h2] I will return home on wednesday but it will be a busy day so I might not be able to post until tonight. It seems not many have done their turn however.