[center][h2][color=lightseagreen]Hi, I'm Mags! c:[/color][/h2][/center] I'm looking for a Dragon Age roleplay, either in the universe of Origins or Inquisition. I have two interesting plots, both involving canons and IC. But before I get to that, I'd like to lay down just a few 'rules', if you will. I'm looking for a roleplayer that is [b]not[/b] focused on length of post. I would like to receive at least one full paragraph, not to say that is the maximum, either. I normally reply with at least two paragraphs, so I consider myself high-casual if you require a label. I am in my early twenties and like to incorporate proper grammar and spelling in my posts; I'd enjoy it if you did, too (However, I do have fake nails on so expect typos; I'll do the same for you). I'd like this to be a [b]mature[/b] roleplay including violence, gore, swearing, and all that good stuff. If you want me to fade to black I may, but it is not my preference. As such, I only role play over PM and email... maybe Skype, if I like you. I prefer a female role but do not mind doubling (: To the plots! [hider=Origins plot] I'd be more than happy to do something around the original plot of Origins with two canon guys and our OCs (I would take the role of Amell, probs); always thought it would be interesting to see how Cullen would fare out in the company, post torture. Angst: mm.[/hider] [hider=Inquisition plot]Same premise, just backward. We'll put the Hero of Ferelden and a canon guy from any of the games into the Inquisition plot. I'd probably like you to play Cullen for this one if you choose it, so be prepared.[/hider] Hope these caught your attention! PM me or post here ^_^ I look forward to hearing from you!