As the woman came down the stairs and spoke those completely idiotic and unnecessary words, Liam stared right back at her, expression darkened to that of rage. This complete stranger occupies their house, and they have the mercy to let her stay here and use their resources, and then she has the nerve to come and speak to Liam with a tone and accusation like that? Oh yeah, Liam was [i]pissed.[/i] Not only was he pissed at Isaac and this woman, he was pissed at every single thing in the world. "The fuck did you say?!" he shouted at her. "If you're too fucking deaf and dumb to understand what I [i]just said[/i] to my brother, I was telling him that the last thing I'm going to worry about is banging some chick or starting a relationship." He pointed a furious and accusing finger at the woman, face turning red with anger. The finger sunk into the position with the rest of assuming a fist, which he pressed against his mouth to keep from throwing it at the woman. "You know what?" he said. "Fuck you. Get your stuff and get the hell out of our house."