[b]Race:[/b] Norisi [b]Race Description:[/b] The Norisi are the people from the cold and hostile north. It is said that they are the decendents of the ancient frost giants and it isnt really hard to realise why this is said. Norisi are generally much bigger and stronger then humans, aswell as very resistant to natural cold. However they still resemble humans closely in other features. The Norisi are a proud yet also savage people. They are known as a scourge from the north as they are frequently raiding the northern states. The Norisi are attempting to settle in the more warmer south. The problem is that these territories are usually already claimed by different lords. This causes some friction ofcourse and since the Norisi want to eat the whole cake and not just a slice… It usually results in bloodshed. [b]Avatar:[/b] Kharneth, the Lord of Blood. Kharneth's followers are both warriors and explorers without exception, if only in mind than in occupation. His followers build no temples but rather worship him on the battlefield or by going beyond the horizon and explore new lands. He is not just the god of senseless slaugther but also of martial pride and honour. It is said amoung the Norisi that if a follower Kharneth were to break his word Kharneth would come down from his throne and crush the man’s soul, denying him a place in Kharneth’s great hall. [b]Name:[/b] Herja Rikisdatter [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Appearance:[/b] Herja would have been a very much sought after woman in a Norisi clan. She has a pretty too look at face, has bright blue eyes and a series of tattoos over the right side of her face. Her red hair is almost always styled in a typical Norisi fashion. (A mixture of braids and straight hair. Pretty much a viking kind of hairstyle) All in all not so bad is it? Well, she’s also standing in at 6’10 and has a massive muscular frame, as is typical for all the Norisi. She has a rather pale complexion compared to the others, eventhough she is a slave and works from dusk till dawn in the scourching sun. She also has several scars on her back which are a reminder of her previous owner and his tendency to use a whip to get his slaves to do his bidding. [b]Current Equipment:[/b] At the start of the RP Herja only posseses the rags her master gave her and the slave colar she wears. She is not trusted with any tools and is seen more as property then as a living being, hence why she doesnt even have anything resembling shoes. There is only one thing which is truely hers; a small pendant in the shape of the rune for Kharneth. It is the only thing she has left of her old life. [b]Handy Skills:[/b] -Strong as an ox. Herja, thanks to her Norisi physique, is able to perform great feats of strength. These involve very practical applications like lifting heavy objects, pulling a plow or tearing a man’s arm off and club him to death with it. -High pain resistance. This is what you get when you have a person who’s body already has a higher then average resistance to pain and you combine that with years of torment from various masters. Note though that the word used is resistance and not immunity. She does feel pain and while she might be able to take some major injuries it will still hurt her. She just doesnt show it. -Good at tracking. This is something she was thaught when she was still a little girl by a member of her clan. She is good at tracking animals and humans alike. This will be a valuable skill for hunting for dinner. [b]Not So Handy Skills:[/b]-Loner. Imagine being taken away from your hometown at the age of 13 and then being dragged across the land into a foreign country with people distrusting you and worshipping foreign gods. Now imagine being sold into slavery and being treated as an object for 9 years, all the while being hated and beaten just for being a Norisi. Just imagine what that does to your trust of the people of that land. Needless to say, Herja is not really a people person. -No diplomatic skills at all. While being a brute might have its advantages from time to time, threatening the man who holds your entire village hostage is not the best way of doing things. Herja however… She would probably still do that. -No understanding of local affairs. Herja does not really know how to deal with Ashuran society and they dont really like her either. She does not understand some of the local costums and also has some limited issues with the language. [b]Personality at RP's Start:[/b] For nine years Herja has been treated worse then a dog. Needless to say, she is not really a person with a pleasant view on life. She is filled with supressed hate for all of the people of Ashuran. However, there may be a silver lining. Herja still has her people’s sense of honour in her. And if she were to meet someone who shows an act of kindness towards her then she will do whatever she can to protect them. [b]Facts Likely Known To Others:[/b] Herja is probably looked at with either disgust, fear or just ignored. She is a Norisi, the scourge from the north. They loot, rape, maim, kill and burn anything they can find. Surely this girl is exactly the same! Or so they would think. Propaganda does wonders to shape the view of the peasant rabble. Herja barely ever spoke during her times as a slave so it wouldnt be suprising to find alot of people who think of her to be a mute. It is generally known by the people of Cowfallow that Herja is a slave. Only new arrivals would not know of this.