Yumanite sighed as he couldn't find a single quest, crossing his arms and taking another look around. He was near the arena, although that interested him about as much as taking on a level 40 raid. He was too level to do much of anything in both. Shaking his head, the man walks away from the scene and heads out of town. Maybe there would be some mobs to grind on, however with the little firepower the shaman possessed it would be tricky at best to kill anything too tough. Some kiting using his shade would be required, lest he lose waaaaay too much HP. Then again, doesn't cost that much for a respawn... Wait, what was he doing standing around like this? Shoving all those thoughts to the side, Yumanite upped his pace so that he wouldn't waste time like that again. The wilderness was vast, as always. It wasn't a high-level area, luckily, so even someone like Yumanite could level up without too much issue. The shaman took the staff from his back and slammed it down with the non-feathered end on the dirt in front of him. He closed his eyes, then started chanting. "Spirit of winter and the frozen lands, appear in this forest. Rise to my aide." The air became chilled and frigid, gathering and spinning in front of Yumanite. Something started materializing in the container. A small block of ice was the start of it, which grew out rapidly in all directions. Freezing the air caused a simple torso to appear, alongside two arms with elbows ending in a spike each. The neck was short, creating a round head with two small sockets representing eyes, although without mouth and nose to complete the face. Five or so icicles formed on top, looking like some sort of hair. Finally the legs were similiar to the arms, having knees to be able to move it and ending in a spike. The creature floated in mid-air and was about the length of an average person's arm, and about as wide as you'd imagine a small child to be. The ice shade looked curious at it's summoner, floating around them to inspect. They took a liking and clapped it's spikes together as if to signal it accepts them. Then the shade just proceeded to float next to Yumanite, waiting on their command. "Summoned a curious one, have I? I am certain I summoned a true companion." Patting the summon on its head the shaman continue deeper into the forest to find something to fight. A bit of walking later and a boar came into sight, sniffing at the ground for one reason or another. "Perfect." the man commented. The boar hadn't noticed him and his familiar yet, so the next instant where a circle of fire suddenly burst out of nowhere panicked the boar. In this small moment of confusion the shade rushed in and attacked, trying to put aggro on it. The plan worked, the boar attacking the shade which always stabbed and ran, stabbed and ran. It kept in the burning circle, which drained the animal's HP slightly bit by bit. Eventually it collapsed and died out, lying on its side. "Good work," Yumanite said to the sprite that flew back "but we're not done. We have a lot more to go..." This process would have to be repeated quite a few times, with rests in between to recover mana. It would take a while, alright...