Kraytan walked the halls of the Jedi Temple with his partner, Deja, a Cathar woman who was a bit younger than him and was a newly assigned Temple Guard. He could feel she was a bit nervous, excited, and everything in between. He smiled underneath his mask, he had felt the same way when he had become a Temple Guard prior to the Clone Wars. He knew she would soon learn to relax and knew she would also come realize that there was nothing exciting about the job as a guard. They had just left the Library, which was one of their stops on their graveyard shit route. It was a quiet night like most nights at the Temple. However while it was usually quiet at the Temple, problems had been arising more than they had prior to the Clone Wars, he was sure of that. So far he had dealt with rogue padawans, suicide bombers, even a few assassins, but the worst was the protestors outside the Temple every once in a while when they formed to well protest something the Jedi had done. As he walked down the large halls with Deja he stopped in his tracks as he was bombarded with his visions once again, however instead of the whole thing he could only see the pillars of smoke rising from burning towers and the sounds of thousands of panicking and suffering screams. The vision was stronger than it ever had been before, it hit him hard and gave him a massive headache causing him to fall to one knee. "Kraytan are you okay? What's wrong?" Deja asked him as she knelt down next to him and helped him to his feet. He stood a bit dazed, stressed, and confused. He looked at Deja's same blankness face mask before shaking his head and standing on his own. He then felt something in the Force, something that was wrong... A presence was approaching the Temple and it spelt destruction in the fire's of war. "Let us cut our routine short and head to the Temple Entrance, I feel something is out of place my friend." He replied as he walked at a brim pace down the halls. Deja followed behind him. As they approached the Temple Entrance from the balcony above, Kraytan began to run faster as his vision began to play in his head as the sound of tens of thousands of feet marched was becoming louder. He was confused at first if the marching sound was coming from his vision or if it was coming from the actual world around him. As they reached the balcony he saw the 501st Legion marching up the steps led by a dark figure. The last part of his vision played in his head, directly over what he was seeing now, they were a perfect match. Those weren't Mandalorians he was seeing they were clones, and those weren't towers that were on fire they were the spires of the Jedi Temple he had seen. "Deja alert the other Temple Guards we must form up and defend the Temple at all costs!" Kraytan yelled as he began to run towards a flight of stairs that led to the level he was on. He activated his lightsaber and ran down the stairs. initiates and padawans were fleeing up them as clones pursued. "Kraytan! There are too many! We have to retreat!" Deja yelled as she tried to catch up with him. Kraytan guessed she was feeling super nervous and perhaps a little fearful, but it was hard to tell because panic and strife had flooded the Temple as clones began slaughtering Jedi everywhere. However he would not handle that kind of talk. They were Temple Guards, they were Jedi Temple Guards. They were sworn to protect the innocent, and sworn to protect the Temple at all costs. It was their sole mission to do this and he would see his job accomplished. "Then you retreat Deja! Round up the Padawans and initiates! Link up with the other Temple Guards and ensure their safety!" He yelled back to her before jumping over the ledge of the flight of stairs and landing with a hard thud at the bottom sending some clones into the wall while others fumbled about. He began slicing their weapons as they raised them to shoot him down. He ducked and weave between blaster bolts, taking cover behind other clones and letting them shoot each other. The clones were starting to come at him in too great a numbers and he was force to give up ground as he retreated back up the stairs deflecting blaster bolts back at the clones and using the force to push them back down when they tried to run up them. He stared in disbelief as a clone with a rocket launcher came up from the mix of them and knelt down and aimed at him. He leapt up on the guard rail and then jumped up allowing the force to aide him and landed on the next level and then did it again until he was at the top. The clone fired the rocket and it locked onto him. He ran through the doorway and turned as the rocket came up and at him. He used the force to direct it upward into the roof which made it collapse on the doorway of the level he was on. They wouldn't be pursing him from that way at least. He began to run down the halls of the Temple looking for others to help and hoping to hear word from the Temple Guard Master as to what their strategy was to stop the clones.