[quote=@MelonHead] Name: Gasp Lizard Size: Between five to ten inches long, two to four inches wide. Area: Southern Jungles, requires humid environments to survive. Description: The Gasp Lizard has an unusual shape, even among Lizards, seemingly almost flat with squat little legs sticking out at each corner of its body, with a stubby head and beady eyes. It has a vibrant green colouration that tricks the eyes, making it sometimes hard to spot and other-times hard to even work out what it is. This is what makes it such a fearful creature to Jungle dwellers, for its rough body secretes a nasty poison and tends to cut flesh when it’s brushed up against it. This poison in minute amounts causes respiratory failure that can kill a small child or other vulnerable person. It is incredibly difficult to harvest the poison, but if condensed it becomes highly effective and lethal when introduced to a person’s blood stream. [/quote] What list(Current or future) would this go under?