The moment the last titan entered the portal Zane stepped through and it closed. He looked around the dusty old hideout and fanned away some dust particles. He could feel the tension in the air, everyone had a rough day. But his ears perked up at the sound of tartarus. he had only heard stories about the place but never, evil, vile tales, but he had never been there. Plus there was the issue of his magic, Zane did not know whether his would work down there plus it looked like whatever was left of the team needed him up here. He heard what Pistolera said about leaving them and gave her a short glare. The girl was to stubborn to admit that we had grown on her and that she actually cared...a little. "Well I don't know if I should go, I mean the idea is great but you never know with the gods." In truth he was worried that Hades might ask for more that just Evan's immorality, he might even ask for their lives, plus Zane just did not want to go. He looked around and saw that the team needed some fixing, well the whole situation needed some fixing, but was he the one to do it. It really did not hit him until that moment what had really gone down. Zane had taken down at least fifty of those things before they came back alive and now it sunk in, he started to cry, he killed a few and did not know how to deal. It was not some loud cry but just some stray tears falling from his face. Zane stood up and whipped them from his face. "Well what can we do while they are gone to help clear our names, I just don't want to sit here on my thumbs.