It was right around forty-eight hour mark of Feiia Arleriia's stay in the town of Reisui, a name which Feiia had forgotten the moment she first heard it. The people here were nice enough but all kept to themselves and their little internal schedules. Deviation from their planned schedules was what Feiia considered a rare treat as it added the just a hint of excitement. It gave Feiia's a chance to fill her scholarly hunger for studying people, individual habits specifically. Reading people was a past time and a necessary tool for one such as the Winter Elf who spent most of her time in Reisui just lounging right outside Jarl Erich's Longhouse. It wasn't just some chance excuse that Feiia spent her time just outside the Longhouse. There had been many strategic reasons why the Elf chose to spend most of time there. Knowing who was coming and going was important but especially if particular parties of interest were coming. Feiia was a hunted woman, after all. The other benefit was income. The moment Feiia entered town, she looked incredibly conspicuous with her foreign armor and many weapons. While it was a mistake not to arrive while cloaked, it provided the benefit of the Jarl's financial interest. Bounties being issued for Orc Raiding parties or other things had provided the Elf with enough coin to sustain her visit here. But work was infrequent and after a whole day's lull, today, so far, wasn't looking any more promising. As the day wore on, Feiia watched the roads in and out of the village. Farmers came to and fro, a young, perhaps attractive, girl a dwarf waddled into the longhouse right past Feiia, but the most interesting visitor award goes to the sheep-looking woman who had headed off to the inn. She had never seen one of those before but Feiia had never been this far North. Curiosity mixed with boredom eventually stirred Feiia to make the short walk over the inn, stepping inside only moments after the sheep-woman had stepped in. Feiia lightly stepped past the woolly Sheep and the dancing Drow. The Drow sisters would likely recognize Feiia, or rather by her alias Nyx, as the Snow Elf had been staying there for the past two days, and certainly Feiia had left a strong impression with both ladies for better or worse. Wanting to take a moment and watch the newcomers, Feiia slipped into the tavern's shadiest corners to watch and listen. Without paying attention, you wouldn't have even known someone had snuck in. Vivian probably would have. She was good like that and if she, or anyone, would fancy a look, Feiia would give them a smile and a wink to indicate her more peaceful intentions.