Sitting alone in the console room of the TARDIS, I was catching up on some much deserved reading. Stacks of books taller than myself stood beside me, leaning to the side to and fro, giving way to their weight, sure to tip over at any moment. And it happened. Fortunately, I was able to stop the tower of books from completely falling over by placing my hand on the upper section of it. [i]"Blast!"[/i] Sure I stopped the spill of books, but I had lost my page in the book that I was reading. I stood up off the chair, not remembering how much time I had been sitting in it. I reached for my cup of tea which was now cold, so I downed what was rest quickly. [i]"Well, I suppose that does it for my reading toda.."[/i] Just about to pick up the books to place them on the shelf, the TARDIS started to alert me of a strange force, pulling the TARDIS. It was traveling through the vortex on it's own it seemed. [i]"No, no, no. Come on, old girl, what's wrong with you?"[/i] Slapping the console screen, everything was in check. I scattered around all the corners of the console, clicking away at every button my fingers could push. Rarely do I ever not completely know what I am doing. And that's one of the things I hate the most; not knowing. Then, something strange happened. As the TARDIS had found its destination and was starting to materialize, strange readings started to appear in the screen. [i]"No, fix yourself and check again. We've moved, but we can't be somewhere that we're already in?"[/i] As weird as it sounded, even saying it, the TARDIS was telling me that we had landed......well, in the TARDIS. [i]"Perhaps I can somehow make it to Gallifrey and obtain a Type 70. This old Type 40 is obviously failing m..."[/i] Exiting my own TARDIS, I was starting to understand now that the readings weren't so farfetched. [i]"Well, this sure is interesting."[/i] Though different on the inside, one can never confuse a TARDIS for what it actually is. There are always similarities. Now, the question was; [i]"Have a I traveled forward or backwards?''[/i]