Flushing a little deeper as Aryx compliments his cooking, Viltez looks down at his own meal and eats slowly, his eyes wandering back and forth over the plate as he tries to think of something else to talk about. Luckily, his guest provides him with a short reprieve as he expresses his enjoyment of the day's activities. “I'm glad you had fun too. I've never been able to do anything like that before, and. . .somehow it felt almost natural.” He looks down at his hands, then up at the man across from him. “I know my kind tends to live in the woods, but until today I had no idea how much it actually seems to be in my blood to run around like. . .Well, almost like an animal. . . .The freedom. . . .” He looks back at his hands, embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn't mean to imply you were animalistic or anything. We were just having fun, like kids. . .Not that. . . .” He trails off, feeling like he needs to stop digging himself a hole while he can. [i]'What can't I just stop talking? Why do I go on and on around him, like a chattering bird in the high branches, babbling at the world just because I can. . .'[/i] Aryx's reply is not what he expected and as he looks up at his guest wide eyed he can feel himself swell a little bit, a strain of honest pride wrapping around his heart. The pride is tempered by a slight ache as he thinks of having to keep his tail hidden all the time, but instead of expressing this he looks down at his food and takes a few bites. “Sadly, having nowhere else to turn, no other place to call home,” he murmurs quietly, “leads to the necessity of keeping it hidden.” His tail sides across the table and wraps around his arm, settling it's blade on his cheek comfortingly and for a moment, a crazy little moment, Viltez imagines it saying 'it's okay', or something like that as it pats his cheek. Chuckling softly he gives it a light squeeze and slither back out on to the table, scratching to wood lightly as the furry length twists and writhes, reveling in it's freedom. In the past, when it would wander about, the beastman would never really pay attention to it, simply letting it do what it wants and occasionally grunting at it when it would hook on a door frame and refuse to let go. This usually happened when it was cold and the room that he was walking out of had the fireplace. [i]'Almost like a cat'[/i] He would think, then shake off the silly thoughts. However, now, as he watches it, he tries to actually feel it, to understand it. He knows now that it's intentions are on par with his own, for the most part at least, though he will not acknowledge the desire to attach to his guest, and so as he watches he wonders why it's doing what it's doing. What is the equivalent with his other limbs. It doesn't have fingers, so it can't do what his hands do, so why? Why does it scrape, why does it twist? Shaking his head at it he looks up at Aryx and smiles softly, his flush settling as he finishes most of his meal. “I think, after you go, I'll miss you Mister Aryx, but what you've done for me is something I can never repay, so, feel free to return any time.” He nods slightly, then tilts his head to the side. “And of course you're free to stay as long as you like now, I'm not trying to rush you on your way or anything. I. . . .Like, having you around. . .” He flushes again but ignores it, determined to look at the man this time. To actually see the effect of his words on this exotic stranger, and to perhaps learn a little more about just what is passing between him and the traveler.