[color=7bcdc8]Mason stood, puzzled by this particular man. At first it had almost seemed as if he was having a heart attack, but something was off. Perhaps it was because he also happened to be a man of Latin origins, who somehow found his way to Paris. That didn't happen often in these times. However, He could also sense a particular aura around the man. There was no doubt that this was the man he had come to see, as something shifted, and an array of lights invisible to the human eye seemed to wrap itself around the man. This was the work of a Black Prism, but not like any he had seen. Mason was curious. He took a step closer to see if he could help, only to have the man suddenly wield his weapon and fire. As everyone scattered, Mason took a step back with his right foot, loading a sharp serrated looking blue arrow into his bow, and fired. He didn't know who this man was or what had happened to him, but it was obvious that he was dangerous. He'd need to be taken out. He had no interest in killing the man, but he would do what it took. The shots and the running crowd would give him enough time to get his distance. He turned moving quickly to his right, as his arrow soared to it's target. He cut through several bushes into the dark shadows of trees. Just enough light breached the trees from the city as a yellow pattern of light formed around Mason as he began drawing Prism. From the looks of the man's weapon, this wouldn't be a close range match, which was fine by him, but he needed to prepare himself. The Light particles moved about him, hardly taking any true shape at this point. A Kilometer into the trees, he ducked behind a large solid oak. If this man had powers similar to himself, he could work it to his advantage. Truth was though, he wasn't sure. He'd only seen his Black Prism which had given him and his mother similar powers. If this man had powers from another black Prism, he wasn't sure how similar they might be. The thickness of the trees would prevent him from seeing through them, if he had similar abilities. Unfortunately, that limited his sights as well. He'd need to stay on the move till he could figure out what this man was capable of, exactly.[/color]