Alright, let's see if this fits in. [hider=Zereza Kinch] [img][/img] Name: Zereza Kinch Age: 29 Powers: Zereza's power is split in two main areas, but both are based on her extraordinary physiology. Firstly, her saliva glands produce an incredibly potent, flesh-eating venom. While this does not affect her own body at all, it manifests whenever her teeth, or even her lips connect with the organic tissue of another living being. The effect is as immanent as it is gruesome - the area that came into contact with the venom goes through rapid, painful necrosis and then dissolves into black mucus. The venom's nature makes blood clump up rapidly, so it doesn't destroy the entire body of the victim but rather isolates and dissolves the immediate contact area. That typically leaves the victim in paralyzing agony, often causing the affected limb to separate from the body or inner organs to take catastrophic damage, depending on the bite location. Once bitten, the victims chances for survival are slim - the effect is immediate and there is no publically available antivenom. However, this effect has only been observed on normal humans. It is unknown whether the venom works as effective on meta-humans. Secondly, Zereza is technically a shapeshifter, but she can roughly only switch between two forms. One is a 'human disguise' and entirely indiscernable from normal humans, but she can take minor adjustments to this form (hair color, minor facial features) to make herself look slightly different than her "public" self. The other is a more grotesque shape that can easily cause panic among civilians. It generally gives very little combat advantage beyond the scape of sharp, piercing teeth - but considering her venomous saliva, it doesn't really change much. This is her 'true' form, but changing between them is near instantaneous and usually takes little effort. During periods of starvation however, she is likely to go into a feeding frenzy - a state where she is unable to use her human disguise. In her less human form, she gains the ability to regenerate from grave wounds, but that requires her to stay a monster [i]and[/i] burn a lot of calories. [hider=true form] [img][/img] [/hider] Weaknesses: Zereza needs to feed often. While she can consume normal human food for a period of time, it will weaken her and starve her out eventually. What she really [i]needs[/i] is human flesh, liquified by her venom or not. 'Fresh' meat has a distinctly better taste to her, so she usually attempts to disable a prey with her venom and then consume its body while its still alive. Needless to say this is an incredibly messy and often noisy process. On top of that, she has a really hard time perceiving her surroundings when feeding making her specifically vulnerable unless she plans ahead for the occasion. Living a seemingly normal life isn't that easy, given the circumstances. The slightest 'accident' would blow her cover wide open, exposing her true nature to the public. Despite that, she spends a lot of effort to hide her nasty eating habits, successfully thus far. She capitalizes heavily on the moment of surprise when forced into a violent situation since she's neither overly strong, nor exceedingly agile. Despite her regenerative capabilities given a proper amount of time and food available, she can still be ended just as easily as any regular human - a bullet to the head, a knife to the heart, you name it. Skills: Charismatic, Artist (Singer/'Musician'), Stealthy Personality: To describe Zereza in one word, people would usually use 'extroverted'. Her public image is generally that of an easygoing, sociable woman. She's witty, likeable and pretty much everything else one wouldn't expect a cannibalistic monster to be. History: The early years of Zerezas life are mostly shrouded in mystery. Nobody really knows where the girl came from that became a semi-famous singer in the depths of Darlow's underworld at the age of sixteen. She was asked about her earlier past by countless people, friends, admirers and even a reporter or two, and not once did she disappoint - Zereza always has a colorful story at the ready for everyone interested... but it's different every time. It became a running gag for those interested in the girl, so they eventually started laughing along, enjoying the ever-new fairy tales. They wouldn't be laughing if they knew what happened to Zerezas childhood friends. After she was 'discovered', the girl just barely made enough for a living going from one exploitative producer to the next. She was exploited for several years, not brave enough to properly stand up for herself, too eager to maintain the newfound 'peace' and too busy hiding her monstrous nature. Eventually, exploitative turned into abusive - the usual in Darlow, it's almost a miracle this didn't happen to her for so long - and the young woman snapped. Her talent manager had a horrible, horrible accident involving a boat engine - in his office! - and the girl disappeared. A year later, she resurfaced as her own talent manager. She sings, produces her own electronic music or DJs if she feels like it. This has earned her a respectible amount of reputation in Darlow, but she'd never consider herself anything beyond a D-tier celeb. Relationships: Everybody loves her, obviously! Not really, but people might know her name or face. Other: [/hider]