[hider=WIP] [color=aba000]Name[/color] Osage [color=aba000]Age[/color] Adult [color=aba000]Species[/color] Saiyan, sans tail. [color=aba000]Attribute[/color] Medic [color=aba000]Personality & Appearance[/color] [IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/Tien_Saiyan_By_KingCrackRock_by_kingcrackrock.jpg[/IMG] For the most part a kind individual as befits a doctor, deeply mediative and thoughtful before responding. He never seems to loose his cool unless another's life is on the line which is when we see the real sayian come out. Having lost his tail, he has no fear of the moon. [color=aba000]Weaponry & Equipment[/color] Scanner: Similar but different to a scouter, rather than reading the energy waves off of a living creature. this is a medical tool he uses to try and idntify alien species as well as determine their medical health. (Secretly, Osage uses the medical knowledge in combat to find weak points and avoid anatomical dangers like knowing sibamen can open their heads to spit acid.) Modified armor: Gloves and boots with a breastplate over a green body stocking to give him nominal protection while healing others. Medical kit: A kit of practical ointments and tools to attend to the wounded. it is not any one box but most often five small compartments to draw from each piece of armor so that he never looses all of it from a single attack. [color=aba000]Abilities & Techniques[/color] 4 arms technique: First developed when he was too busy holding his friends guts in their belly to sew them up, he discovered how to develop extra arms in order to perform fantastical operations with no need for a nurse. OR Eye beams: Not a surprise from his appearance, but when his hands are in use healing someone, he can still use his eyes to keep others at bay if a barrier is not enough. Curiously, the technique was first focused when he needed to perform an operation but had no tools so he focused his ki to make the incision with his eyes. Healing: What would a medic be without this obvious power? He focuses his ki into an emerald energy that he can use to cure quickly when applying hands directly to the victim. He developed the ki technique long after his medical skills and into his development of energy manipulation. He has been working on a ranged healing technique but it is not ready yet. Barrier: Preventing damage can be just as important as healing damage done or for establishing a sterile work environment. [color=aba000]Backstory[/color] Something to work on later.[/hider] [quote=@Boss Muffin] I was thinking about a namekian doctor. Uses his Ki to heal like Dende but can also use his Ki to harm. I saw that you didn't have a restriction on Namekians. [/quote] DAMN! ^_^ Very well we don't have a direct warrior do we?