[b]Blaire Anderson, Elena's apartment Los Angeles California [/b] Blaire hadn't wanted to confess her situation with the CIA to Elena, and thinking about it more of how she'd react regretted blurting it out so soon but it was bound to come up sooner rather then later. Blaire was comforted when her friend hugged her even though seh'd lied about some of the details of how everything went down she was glad to have another person with powers in her corner. "Us against the world huh those are some odds Elena. "Blaire said her voice littered with doubt. [i]If that's how this is going to play out we're going to need a-lot more people. [/i] "That's what it's looking like to me, I don't even know who sent this to me. Someone sent me this to my campus mail box and the only response the left was along the lines of you were right!" Blaire was clearly worried about this situation and anxious to figure out who'd sent these file to her as well as why. Blaire thought about what Elena said and frowned. "Well...I NO I'm not safe at my place, but you were on the news and it won't be long before the media and the police are crawling over this place. Have you seen the news lately like not what you did but that thing the Bennet Act, there going to start running tests on people to see if they have powers or not, I think things are gonna get bad, I say we go somewhere else, and just hide and see how things play out. But we should get away from here." Blaire was trying to think about what to do, she knew they wouldn't be safe here. The only advantage she had over her friend was that her powers weren't exposed on live television, but all that would be pointless once the blood tests began. [b]4 DAYS LATER[/b] [b]L.A Blood Testing Center, Peter Petrelli[/b] "Alright then your test is negative, your good to go, your identification will be updated, and you'll be free to go on your way sir." The man nodded getting up with a sigh of relief. The man he was speaking too was some government official who'd just ran his blood test, blue meant you were in the clear, and red meant you could probably imitate someone in the X Men or Justice League. Peter was sitting outside invisible on a roof top camped out across the street from the center. He'd been working with a girl named Becky Taylor who could turn invisible, and who'd also tried to kill his niece. Something like that would have pissed him off, but ever since her interview in Austin he wasn't on speaking terms with her. "Damn it..this isn't good at all." Peter sighed he'd sent Becky in to see if she could manuever around invisible, but she'd been nabbed as they had thermal sensing technology all over the building. It seemed they had state of the art technology in this facility, and had come up with various ways to deal with breach's from various powers. "Damn it Claire see what your starting, their letting some people go but keeping others fuck." Peter got up from his position and picked up his phone to call Noah. "Hey Bennet, I'm here right now I came with that girl you told me to go to find the invisibility power, from Samuel's carnival. Look long story short i sent her in first and the picked her up with some thermal tech, and grabbed her. They put her in a cell with another girl I had a camera on her last thing I heard the guards say before they tossed her in the cell was "Toss her in with Ashbourne." then the camera died they must have find it or have something to disable it in the cells. Either way this is only the beginning things are going to get a-lot worst Noah, these blood tests, this mess that Claire started I don't even know how to begin to fix it, I talked to Matt earlier, he was at the FBI headquarters he's doing his job working his way up to the ladder to the top of the feds somehow he's got past the blood tests, how's that situation looking with the high school massacre investigation actually never-mind my mom said we can all meet up at that diner this afternoon to compare our information about everything that's happening so I'll see you then just wanted to inform on you on everything on my end." Peter said looking into the testing center, it was amazing how quickly they'd set up shop and somehow he had to get Becky out. [b]Los Angeles, Max Stross - Olympus Building [/b] Max was sitting in his office messing around with a pen as he watching television drinking some cold purified water while munching on a subway sandwich. These past four days had been something for the books the minute he touched down in L.A it had been hell. He’d been unable to contact Dalton or his team, the were all wiped out. He checked Olympus’s database to see the case they were working with the CIA agent that hired them, but that didn’t give him much that he didn’t already know. “Damn it.” Max sighed as he took another bite of his sandwich followed by gulping down some water. The High school massacre investigation was the main reason he was in L.A to handle the situation and so far he was unable too his main connection was the girl exposed on the news Elena Reese. He had his undercover agents scouting for her everywhere he was trying to get his hands on her before the police did. He had a feeling she was connected to everything the high school, Dalton’s team and Katie’s been wiped off the map, and this whole Building 26 ordeal they were looking into. “Damn it I knew we should have taken over the assignment and done this shit the olympus way, shoot first, ask questions later, the CIA love to get all the damn information they can out they probably got them killed.” He sighed as he heard a buzzing noise and reached for his phone.” Hello? Hmm really? Alright i understand give me an update on the blood tests not just here in LA, but for everywhere I’ll send it to all the Olympus buildings in the country and whoever you think is a top priority danger we can either round up or make accidents happen hmm..don’t worry your not burdening me, trust me this is the most logical think to do, we can’t have living weapons walking around, just forward the information and I’ll handle it from their so you can sleep with a clean conscience.” [i]Me on the other hand I’ll be wide awake doing the Devil’s work to make the world a much safer place then it is now.[/i]