Master Sorni was deep in the cavernous bellows of the archives, she sat alone at a table. Her hands were interlaced in front of her as she peered at the Holocron in front of her as it hovered gently about an inch off the table. The holocron in particular was, not just any old holocron it was one taken from the ruins of the Library of Ossus. The secretes held within dated back to the Great Hyperspace war and some even before that. But Sorni wasn't just a lore keeper, she was looking for something, something important. These holocrons contained within them knowledge of not just Jedi, but Sith, they equal held the power of the light side of the force and the dark. It was here job to vanquish pockets of dark side energy, to help heal the dark wounds of the force. But before she could do that, she needed to of course know one's enemy first, practically as well as she knew herself. Hence the usefulness of these ancient long forgotten holocrons. Then it her, like it hit all the Jedi within the temple and all the Jedi in the galaxy, the cry of anguish that ran through in ripples of a larger shock wave. She looked about, the archivists around her had felt as well, something terrible had just occurred and they all knew it. Sorni tried peering deeper concentrating, but all she could find was residual agony and betrayal, that amplified over the hundreds of Jedi that had just felt the wound open in the force. That was when the shock wave hit, something exploded above them somewhere, and the great halls of the archive shook with the tremor. Valka looked down at the holocron as it shook, another tremor and the holocron fell to the table and all was silent as Sorni watched it roll and finally hit the ground with a metallic thud. Moments later the doors to the archive were blown upon, and the sound of laser fire and the screams of the wounded filled the air. Then as they drew closer the Jedi Master, had another surprise as she saw the white and blue of republic clone troopers. It didn't make sense, why were the clones attacking the temple? What was happening? But Sorni knew that right now she add her fellow Jedi in whatever she could. It was then the PLX-1 warhead came slamming into the bookcase behind her, and the whole thing came creaked and groaned before it was about to fell right atop of her. The Jedi master rolled to the left behind another stack, as it came far too close to almost killing her. She looked at her shoulder which was know bleeding, a piece of shelf lodge in it. Whatever was happening the Clone Troopers were not playing around. They were funneling in from every direction, the main entrance and the smaller side entrances so exit through either of those was out of the option. But then she looked above her, the upper levels of the archives had yet to be stormed. The clones were by the staircases, so the only way up was with the force. Sorni leaped into the air, soaring far above normal jumping ability as she grasped onto the handrail of the upper level, with her good arm and hosted herself up. The clones saw these acrobatic display and soon, a hail of laser bolts soon being following her. She rushed forward, trying her best to keep the stacks between her and the incoming laser bolts. Her goal was about three meters in front of her, one of the small service entrances leading in and out of the archives upper level. The only problem was that their was no cover between here and there. But the Jedi Master was not one to let things like the possibility of becoming blast hole ridden corpse fetter her. She lunged across the open space rolling out the open door as blaster bolts soared around her one skimming her leg singeing her clothes and the skin underneath. As she scrambled back to her feet a team of soldiers from the Temple Security Force, ran up to her. They all looked beaten and exhausted, singed clothing and some of there had wounds on their arms and legs. The Captain came to help Master Sorni to her feet, the rest of them moving around them in a defense position guns aimed down the hallway. As she got up, and looked around the whole temple still shaking around her, screams and blaster fire could be heard coming from every direction, the smell of smoke was thick in the air. She turned to address the Captain who had a worried look in his eyes. As he was skittish looking both ways, up and down the hallway sure that any minuet another squad of clones would come bounding in. "Can you give me a status report Captain?" Master Sorni asked him, trying her best to block out the boom and quake of the bombings occurring above and the sounds of hundreds being slaughtered in the middle of the night for no apparent reason at all. The captain nodded and took out a small hologram projector turning it on, a small scale version of the Jedi temple greeted them, spinning in place. The Captain began speaking rifling off information. "Sure thing, Master Jedi. The clones came in through the main entrance, and are currently besieging the entire building. LAATs are bombing the temple from above, we have lost the main corridor. The clones have us surrounded on all sides and we are severely outnumbered, even if we counted all the younglings in our numbers. At this point retaking the temple is no longer a option. Temple Security Force has made an executive decision to try and delay the clones for as long as possible, while we try to funnel survivors out of the hanger bays in the lower levels of the spires and into the under city. I would suggest, that you head there yourself Master Sorni, for they are going to need as much help as possible to hold off long enough for evacuation." The Captain explained as he shut off the holocron. "Thank You, Captain" The Echani shook her head, it was getting worse and worse by the minute. The temple was lost, and in shambles, the clone army that Sorni and many of the other Jedi had fought with side by side against the separatists now turned their guns against them. All around them, explosions rocked and fire burned, the bodies of young and old alike strewn across the floor indiscriminately. It was a dark day indeed for the Jedi Order. A living nightmare, but one couldn't get lost in despair, there would be time for mourning later. It was at that time that they heard footsteps and around the corner came another squad of clones came charging down it towards them. "Captain we got company!" One of the security officers called as they raised their rifles and began to exchange fire with the clones, Master Sorni ignited her saber ready to join in combat against the clones, but the Captain shook his head and pointed down the empty hall. "No need, for your to sacrifice yourself here. Go head down the hallway and towards the hangers! We will hold them off!... Men return fire!" The captain yelled as they began to fire upon the approaching clones. Master Sorni nodded, once again thanking the Captain silently as she turned and bolted down the hallway enhancing her speed with the force as she rushed down heading towards the hanger bays. She passed blown open meditation rooms, and she dared to not to look inside to see the carnage within, the mediation gardens were alight with roaring flames that were growing higher and higher and escaping the confinements of the room and reaching out into the hallways themselves. The dead and dying laying about Jedi and clone, alike. It was becoming more and more of a indiscriminate slaughter by the minute. Sorni knew that she had to get to the hangers, had to help whoever was left but she still had distance to cover, and even using to force to enhance her speed she could only go so far, without risking burning herself out. But she had to keep on moving, not stopping, not giving up. She bounded a corner, in front of her down the hallway, a squad of clones facing the other direction, one of them armed with a Reciprocating quad blaster. In front of them a Jedi Knight with a group of younglings behind him. His lightsaber was raised but he was injured and there were too many of them. The clones fired indiscriminately into the group, the other clones fire suppressing them along the quad blaster to tear through them. Master Sorni bonded down the hallway to stop them, but she was already too late. Soon the Knight fall a blast bolt to one his legs bringing him to his knees and then continuous fire cutting him down. The younglings behind him fell afterwards, the bolts strong enough to carry their small frames into the air, as if the were punched in the gut . They didn't stop, they were just children, not a harm to anyone and they just did not stop. It was at that point that Master Sorni reached them. One of the clones saw her and told the rest of his squad, they quickly turned around to face the Jedi who had manged to close about three quarters of the distance between as she ignited her lightsaber. As she ran, she lifted her hand and concerted on the gunner with the quad blaster. In response a concerted blast of energy slammed into the Clone's chest an equivalent of getting a sledgehammer slammed into it, and he was sent flying backwards. As she got closer their aim got better, a few shots getting close and one hitting her upper left leg, but she barreled on blocking out the pain. She reached the first clone and caught his rifle with an underhand slash, before bringing her elbow hard into his face mask as she turned sprawling him flat on the ground. She weaved and danced the age old dance of the Jedi, her light saber flashing between and it went on by the end of it the five clones had been brought down, one dead, the rest incapacitated. She had more cuts and burns to add to the collecting but nothing that she couldn't deal with later, even though they did rage with a burning pain. The pain in her leg and shoulder, stung and she generally was in pain, she looked at the clones around her still perplexed at was going on. That was when she saw the gunner with the quad blaster, struggling with his large pack and larger blaster to get up. Master Sorni slowly walked up to him deactivating her light saber and looked down at the solider, as he struggled. She had so many questions, she would of liked to ask the soldier but she didn't have time for questions, the time to find answers would be later. So she simply give the man a swift kick to the head, knocking him out before moving on. She walked slowly to the viewport and look outside, the smoke rising from seemingly everywhere, an occasional bolt of red, or flash of a lightsaber illuminating the clouds. It was then that she heard the footsteps turning around she saw a larger group of clones, blaster rifles raised and looking at her. Their were too many to handle in her current state. And at that moment she thought that was going to be it, her saber flashing to life and she prepared to make one last stand for the Jedi Order. That was when another tremor shook the floor below them as sort of explosive was fired off below, and a groaning sound was heard as she felt the floor below herself begin to give way. The clones were loosing their footing as well shambling as it seemed the walkway was tilting to one side. A few moments later the entire floor give out from under her. She was suspended in air for a moment before she came hit into a wall and came crashing down with the rubble. Hitting against metal and stone she felt something crack in her ribs, as she tumbled and finally came to a stop. Coughing up dust and wiping the blood off of her face, a large cut now running down her right cheek. She was disoriented, and her ears were ringing but she sensed someone in front of her, and ignited her light saber which she somehow manged to hold onto in the fall. She was about to bring it to the assailants neck when she stopped pulling back and looking at the Noghri in front of her. A Noghri she had fought with during the clone wars, and judging from his appearance he had just almost been crushed and or blown up by whatever explosion brought the floor she was standing on almost down on top of him. Her lightsaber bladed flickered out of existence with a hum, as she spoke. "Vor'loch? You got caught up in all of this as well?"