Cole wasn't as afraid as he was angry, still he'd rather not end up with a bullet in his head so as he stood there with Jack's arm around his neck Cole answered calmly, [color=ed1c24][b]"Car-tali is wanted by the DMA, plus he helped us get Jessica back so that should be reason enough to trust him"[/b][/color], Cole struggled for a moment to see if Jack had any intention of letting him go at the moment. The fact that he was still in a headlock afterwards proved that was not the case. [color=ed1c24][b]"The same thing with John, in fact he's partially responsible for stopping a Warden from coming after us"[/b][/color], Cole's veins began to turn black but he made sure not to drain Jack unless he was absolutely certain he had to. [color=ed1c24][b]"So if you're satisfied, mind getting the FUCK OFF OF ME!"[/b] [/color], with having to plan the liberation of the city, the assassination of Mallory, and Ace's health all on his mind Cole was getting frustrated. Things were getting hectic again and the last thing he needed right now was a gun up to his head. [hr] The sound of gunfire echoed through the shooting range as Pariah practiced her marksmanship. First with single shots, each hitting their mark but only after a considerable amount of time was spent looking down sights. Next was three round burst which resulted in only two of the three rounds hitting the target and by a close margin. Lastly came full auto, at this point Pariah had become frustrated with herself, [color=fff200][i]"Two out of three, not fucking good enough!"[/i][/color]. She selected the an M4X rifle and looked down its iron sight. Being left handed she had to use her cyber eye which she still was not accustomed too. [color=fff200][i]"Just keep practicing, it'll come back to you eventually"[/i][/color], that's what she had been told but at so far it looked as if she was a novic once more. She squeezed the trigger and the rifle unleashed a barrage of bullets most of which missing her mark. Pariah became enraged, slamming the rifle onto the table and firing a concentrated smoke shot at the target. The target was, to put it best, vaporized, as not a single piece of it remained. Once she had calmed down Pariah stared at her hands, her right hand with smoke enveloping it entirely and the left with nothing at all. When they amputated her left arm her ability to shoot smoke from her left arm was taken away as well. Tears began to well up in her eyes but she would not let them escape, Pariah slammed her fists onto the metal table and walked out of the shooting range. Mallory awaited her outside, ever since Pariah was back on her feet Mallory began to personally oversee her recovery and training. [b]"That was sloppy, what happened?"[/b], she asked with a disappointed look in her eye. Pariah, all too focused on her hands, simply replied, [color=fff200][b]"I'm not what I used to be"[/b][/color] [b]"But you will be that person again, in time your skills will come back to you. You simply need to get accustomed to your prosthetics"[/b], the moment Mallory said "prosthetics" Pariah became enraged. She clenched her fists so tight that the smoke forming in her hand barely managed to escape. Mallory took note of this before she spoke, [b]"Once you are your old self again you can bring te ones who did this to you to justice"[/b]. Pariah had to try hard to calm herself, the feelings she felt were so intense she didn't know how to convey them without destroying this entire facility. The ones who killed her, they took everything from her; whatever memories she once had, her skills and talents, her powers, and her body. Pariah truly died that day in the blacksite. This Pariah, this being that stood here now, was a entirely different person. She was basically reborn and now she had no purpose other than to find the ones who did this to her. [b]"Pariah? Pariah!"[/b], Mallory called out as she tried to bring her Warden back from deep thought. Pariah twitched as she realized how long she'd been standing there thinking of all this. [color=fff200][b]"What were you saying?"[/b][/color], she asked semi-embarrassed. [b]"Hmph, I was saying that we should move onto hand-to-hand combat. With your left arm being incapable of using your power you should focus more on combat incase you're disarmed in the field"[/b] [color=fff200][b]"Yeah, let's do that. Hopefully later I can analyze the Intel from the blacksite. I'm hoping it could help me for when I go after the insurgents"[/b][/color] [b]"You are not going after them alone, I cannot risk losing you again. Which is why you [i]will[/i] go with your assigned partner when is time. But that's a topic for another time, you still have not perfected your training and we have a few more hours before your allotted break"[/b]