[b]Akane Hanagawa // Warakuma High // Class 2-2 ---> Manga Club Room[/b] Monday, May 4th, 2015 After School She knew Golden Week was too good to be true, while she already knew that, it was the fact that every year she ends up falling for week without anything school related and just simply forgets. Coming back to her senses when she woke up Monday morning to the realization that she had to go back to school, she sigh'd the sighs of all sighs and face palmed when she remembered she forgot to study. Midterms are coming up after all, but Akane wasn't particularly worried about them. It was more having to waste her precious time, which could be spent drawing, reading and playing, on something as tedious as midterms. Having remembered that, she was reminded that she literally go no drawing, reading and playing done during Golden Week. [color=9e0b0f][b]"All thanks to that bastard...."[/b][/color] she grumbled as she recalled her brawl in the mall with Noboru. Word of her actions and involvement have already spread around, which isn't surprise considering the size of Warakuma and all, as evidence by the gossiping and stares that have followed her throughout the day. Well, It's not like she has anything to worry about. Considering she frequently gets into fights delinquents (or simply overly aggressive guys) for the sake of others (mostly girls, which has earned her that irritating 'prince' monkiker. Not her fault that it's mostly girls who are usually in the need of help the most), she has a reputation for helping out others, so all in all, it's most likely Noboru to get the brunt of the negative backlash for the fight. At that thought, Akane snickered as her train of thought is broken by the sound of the bell. [i]Finally! Classes are over. How I hate Mondays....[/i] Who does? Collecting her things, she slung her bag over her shoulder and left the classroom, making her way to the clubroom. She was looking forward to heading to the room and finishing up the game she has been deprived of for a week now. Plus, she got a new game and has been wanting to play it. She has a lot to make up after that week. Opening the door to the room, she marched it, tossed her bag into the corner, pulled out her handheld and slumped into throne of comfy pillows she made by the window. Being engrossed in her game and with her earphones in, so as not to disturb anyone and to hear the games sound as loud as possible, she didn't hear the door open nor the one who opened it. After a couple of minutes, she came across a save point and finally noticed the newcomers shadow. Looking up, sure enough, someone was standing there. By the looks of him, he didn't look all that interested in the club but you never know. Considering the club's state before the influx of people joining and how people look upon anime and manga, if there was no intention of joining, why bother coming here of all places? Saving her game, she set her psp on her lap and pointed to a try to his right. [color=9e0b0f][b]"If you're interested in joining, the form is right there. When finished, turn it into me whenever."[/b][/color] She finished in a monotonous tone. Normally she'd be full of energy and smiles when someone comes into the room, but after being deprived of her way of life for a whole week, she just really wanted to get back to playing her game. Finishing her customary duty as club president, she picked up her handheld and resumed playing. [b]Akira Kirigakure // Warakuma High // Archery Range [/b] Monday, May 4th, 2015 After School From the time since the day started 'till the last class, the day was dominated with gossip about a female student up and disappearing along with talk about a 'cute' maid that works at a certain cosplay cafe. When he saw a group of guys at lunch holding a picture of said maid 'Saki' and looking at it with googly eyes, It took Akira all he had to hold back his laughter. He wondered how Sato taking it and thought it was a shame he wasn't there to see the initial reaction. Akari did well spreading the pictures around to have it at this extent already. After all, it was meant to be a slow building process, for the great entertainment possible. As the bell, signaling the end of classes, rang, he took his sweet time leaving the classroom and making his way down to the range. Though, by the time he arrived at the range, he would come to regret taking his time. Why? Because after some investigating, it seemed Rokurou and Mika got into it and a lot of drama ensued. [color=007236][b]"Still trouble in paradise, huh?"[/b][/color] he said to no one in particular. The situation between those two seems to be getting worse by the day. Prep done, he lined up and began firing off a few arrows. After every few hits, he glanced around and noticed Sato but seemed to be preoccupied with other things to notice he was there. Given the current atmosphere at the range, "Saki" was probably the last thing on everyone there minds. [i]Well, no matter.[/i] Firing off a few more arrows, an idea hit him. Maybe he can take advantage of the situation between Rokurou and Mika to have a little fun with 'Saki'. Making his own exit from the range, he took out his phone and wrote out a text to Akari. [i][color=9e0b0f][b]Interested in making a bad situation worse?[/b][/color][/i]