[quote=@NightmareInd] Don't know, I just like stealth, and my character has hid from others for a long time now, so he needs to be good in blending in. Also, if your power is to summon and control guns, you need to have some extra side-skills if you want to survive. EDIT: I agree on the 'no anti-venom' thing. Maybe you should make it that there is a vaccin for it, making you temporarily immune to it, but you need a sample of the saliva in advance to be able to make it. [/quote] [quote=@Traitor] I can see where you're coming from. I didn't actually mean to imply that there can never be an anti-venom, just that there is none, right now. Goes hand in hand with the fact that nobody really knows about there being a venom to begin with. I'll change that bit regardless to make it less cryptic. As for the shapeshifting aspect, I could probably take that out if it bothers you explicitly. It wouldn't take away -much- from a practical perspective. I just thought it'd be more interesting to play out. Concerning stealth, in my case that's referring to the ability to 'disappear' in crowds via minor shapeshift-esque adjustments. That's all I really wanted to express and stealth was the most fitting single word for it. [/quote] Being good at hiding from other people isn't exactly stealth. Stealth is about moving about unseen, doing things, taking actions, without being noticed. Just being good at hiding means you're just good at hiding. Blending into crowds is one sort of stealth I suppose. And I don't mean to be a dick about these things it just bothered me since agility and stealth is what my character does so it's kind of silly when every other character is stealthy too. Takes away part of my character. The shapeshifting doesn't bother me though. And I'm cool with the venom as long as it isn't a silly insta-kill to everything.