Flynn presses the button and a green checkmark appears on the screen. "Worth the try. I'm betting Plasteel Productions has some sort of finger in the Exo-Suit industry somewhere. But let's not demand any things before the job is done. First... We must prove our 'worth'." Flynn rolls his eyes as he says the last word and grabs the yoke. "Let's get to Typhon. If my memory serves me correct, it should take about an hour to get there." He steers the ship upwards and the Argo begins to ascend. Higher and higher, until the Argo shoots out of the industrial shaft, leaving the 'surface' of Earth behind. The 1st level always looks so lovely. Skyscrapers everywhere, donned in white. But that wasn't their life. Further up... and up... They fly past a checkpoint in high orbit which automatically scans their ship for illegal contraband and ... they were free in space. The scanners pick up some other ships. Most of them cargo transports, delivering goods from all over the galaxy to and from Earth. Flynn types in the coordinates of Typon, get's up and leaves the cockpit. As he passes Williams he says, "We have about an hour till we get there. Enjoy yourself somehow. I'm going to the armory. Got some tinkering to do." The door closes behind him with a hiss. If you'd look out the front of the ship, you would see a vortex of green and yellow slowly spinning around. The vortex would spin faster and faster and slowly suck the Argo in... Aaand... a flash! Now, the green and yellow color are all that is visible to see, spinning and swirling...