The white elf found himself staring into the short woman's eyes, feeling her comforting hand on his cheek. He relaxed a bit. Today was his first day in Green Fall as his new assignment. Sure, he'd trained in Scream Watch like every other Knight, he'd fought the Screamers and monsters, but they'd always prevailed over the enemy. He'd already seen four Knights torn to shreds this morning alone, could hear them screaming, choking on their blood. None of this was his life's purpose, it was just horror, plain and simple. He offered a weak smile to the woman, [color=00aeef][i][b]"Thank you miss."[/b][/i][/color] His Human companion got up and began inspecting the door and windows, [color=ed145b][i][b]"I think the wolves are gone for now, I don't hear anything."[/b][/i][/color] Looking toward Susie, [b][i][color=ed145b]"Is there a back door?"[/color][/i][/b] Susie nodded, [color=8dc73f][i][b]"Through the kitchen."[/b][/i][/color] The man nodded, and made his way through the tavern. The elf saw the flute on the floor, and got up and retrieved it, handing it to Alya. [color=00aeef][i][b]"One should never leave their tools on the ground. What is your na--?"[/b][/i][/color] He was interrupted by another crashing of wood, his companion screaming, and snarling emanating from the kitchens. Immediate panic set in, and the elf drew his longsword, and ran toward the kitchen, leaving the patrons to make a decision. Do they stay? Do they flee out the front door, or seek shelter upstairs?