[center] [hider=Braden Gainesworth] [b]Name[/b]: Braden Gainesworth [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Rank[/b]: Pack Male [b]Trade[/b]: Cattle Breeder/Handler [b]Upright Appearance[/b]:Tall at 6’ even, Braden is toned and tanned from years of fieldwork. You’ll normally see him wear a pair of functional boots, blue jean pants, a t-shirt and/or plaid button-up with rolled-up sleeves and windbreaker, and his trusty cowboy hat. [hider=Upright][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QHpObu69PVc/TZ0k3HzfiAI/AAAAAAAAAc0/DtUzjdF7woU/s1600/Chris+Young+1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Canine Appearance[/b]:8’3” from nose to tail and weighing 210lbs, his canine form is your typical wolf with a lot of muscle and long fur. [hider=Canine][img]http://www.keepwolvesprotected.com/sites/default/files/feature/wolf.jpg?1419260347[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: When it comes to social gatherings, Braden is a middle-of-the-road kinda guy. He doesn’t mind the company of himself or a crowd, though he will get a bit more defensive and skittish around larger groups. He normally prefers a small group of close friends that you can joke and have a good time with. On the subject of temperament, Braden is easy-going and doesn’t anger easily. He would rather be optimistic and see the positives, than be all doom-and-gloom. One thing that will set Braden off is when folks mess with friends and family. He has zero tolerance for asshole comments, bullying, dick-moves, you name it. If he sees it, he’ll stomp it out quick. Overall though, Braden is well-mannered, unoffensive, and generally a decent person. [b]History[/b]: Braden was born to a Mary and Robert Gainesworth in the deep south of Georgia. He held no special position in their pack, and thus was brought up like most pups; respect the rules, your elders, and your superiors; everything is shared and the pack comes first. He lived a simple but demanding life. At an early age he was brought into the family trade of raising and taking care of the cattle. He learned the differences between milk and meat cattle, symptoms of sickness, and most everything else needed to run a cattle ranch. Life went on the same way for years before trouble found its way to the their pack. A group of hunters found out about their pack and slain their Alpha Pair. The rest of the pack were able to meet up and agree to go their separate ways in hopes of losing the hunters. At the age of 22, Braden set out on his own, staying as far away from hunters as possible. Its been a year of travelling and performing odd jobs to get by, as Braden looks for a new pack and steady work. [b]Extra[/b]?: On his off time, Braden likes to sit down and play his guitar. [/hider] [/center]